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Logan Graham

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2y ago
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1mo ago

It is possible that the cell you have found is a plant cell. Plant cells are characterized by having both a nucleus and a cell wall, which are not found in animal cells. The presence of these structures suggests that the cell belongs to a plant.

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Q: You find a type of cell you have never seen before. The cell has both a nucleus and a cell wall. Therefore you conclude that it must be a cell.?
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Bacteria never have nucleus. Thats why they are prokariyotes

What identifies this cell as a bacterial cell rather than a plant cell?

A bacterial cell has no nucleus. It is prokaryotic, meaning before nucleus, whereas a plant cell has a nucleus and is eukaryotic, meaning true nucleus. Also, plant cells are often specialized whereas bacterial never are.

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DNA is the genetic material that never leaves the nucleus of a cell. It carries the instructions necessary for synthesizing proteins and controlling cell activities.

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No, electrons are not found in the nucleus of an atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus at various energy levels. The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons.

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We don't know and we never will. Bread has existed for thousands and thousands of years, before countries even existed, while mankind survived in tribes, before books and writing existed. Therefore, sadly, we will never know.