

Poison Ivy Reactions and Treatment

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a vining plant native to North America and parts of Asia. The noxious weed bears three pointed, glossy leaves at the end of each stem and tends to grow in dense clumps in undisturbed areas. Most people who have spent time in the woods are familiar with poison ivy, if not by its appearance, then at least by its effects. Carelessness and improper plant identification can result in exposure to urushiol, the component of poison ivy's sap that causes contact dermatitis, an allergic reaction. Poison Ivy Allergies Not everyone is allergic to poison ivy, and it's believed that only 15 to 30 percent of people are affected by it. However even those who are not currently allergic may develop a sensitivity at some point, sometimes during puberty or after pregnancy. An allergy to the plant also tends to develop with repeated or highly concentrated exposure. Contact dermatitis from poison ivy may take around a week to initially show up, and may take a further two to four weeks to disappear. Be aware that urushiol can linger on objects for as long as seven years. Anything that may have come into contact with poison ivy should be thoroughly washed with a strong detergent. Symptoms Persistent itching and burning sensations on the exposed area Swelling and redness Welts, blisters or hives that are often painful If exposure and the subsequent reaction were severe, minor scarring may occur In very rare cases, a person may be so intensely allergic to poison ivy that exposure results in anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition Itching is often the first sign of poison ivy exposure, and can range from mild to severe. Although it is widely stated that scratching a poison ivy rash will cause it to spread, this is untrue. The blisters often caused by poison ivy are a result of urushiol-damaged blood vessels leaking fluid subcutaneously, not from the toxin itself. When a rash appears to be spreading, it is because those areas received less contact with the plant, and are therefore taking longer to present symptoms. Treatment The most common poison ivy treatment by far is corticosteroid (hydrocortisone) cream. This can be purchased in weak concentrations over the counter, but a stronger cream may be acquired with a doctor's prescription if it is warranted. Another less well-known but equally helpful treatment is using bar laundry soap. The active ingredients are effective at washing oils from poison ivy off of the skin.

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For minor cases, hydrocortisone cream, Calamine lotion, Benadryl capsules, oatmeal or baking soda baths.

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Poison Ivy is not REAL Poison. Its a issue in the immune system that will make it react to you. If you have a serious case or allergic reactions you would need to seek medical attention.

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Can babies get poison ivy?

Anyone can get Poison Ivy if you are allergic to it.

How do you rid of poison?

If you are near the ocean anywhere, get into the water, lightly break the poison ivy blisters with sand and let the ocean water get at it. This dries up poison ivy faster than any other treatment I know. This can get rid of poison ivy in just a day or two. other means include,applying tea tree oil or aloe vera.You can get rid of Poison Ivy rashes by immediately rinsing your skin when the poison ivy strikes, rubbing the skin with some alcohol, or by taking an antihistamine.

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Ivy leaf is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a leaf that gives you a bad itchy rash.