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Q: Can you use bromophenol blue in place of bromothymol blue?
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Can you use bromothymol blue in place of bromophenol blue?

no.heres why:bromophenol-blue-1bromothymol-blue-1

How does the pH indicator bromothymol blue measure cellular respiration?

He can use a chemical reaction when it is mixed with CO2

How do I prepare bromophenol indicator solution?

classic recipes say 0.25% bromphenol blue (0.25g/100ml) in a solution containing a viscous substance like: 40%sucrose, or 15%Ficoll, or 30%glycerol all in water. Personally, I use glycerol.

What does photosynthesis have to do with the use of Bromothymol Blue?

Bromothymol Blue is commonly used as an indicator to detect the presence of carbon dioxide in a solution. In the context of photosynthesis, Bromothymol Blue can be used to observe the rate of photosynthesis. When photosynthesis occurs, carbon dioxide is consumed and oxygen is released. By adding Bromothymol Blue to a solution containing a photosynthetic organism, the color change of the indicator can indicate the rate of photosynthesis.

Can you use indicator other than phenolphthalein in the titration of NaOH?

Yes you can use methyl red, methyl orange, bromophenol blue and other indicators instead of phenolphthalein in the acid-base titration of NaOH.

What is a limitation of Bromothymol Blue?

Bromothymol Blue is a liquid indicator that can detect presence CO2 in water. It changes color from blue to green, as it detects the presence of the CO2 . In very acidic conditions it will turn yellow. It has also been used as an indicator in the NCO (isocyanate) test (where di-n-butylamine is the base and 1N HCl solution is the acid. Green is the endpoint in this titration and yellow is "over-shot". The amine value test in resin chemistry/synthesis also may use this indicator. HCl directly titrates an amine containing resin.

Why is the citrate test carried out on an agar slope rather than a broth?

Background:Simmons' Citrate Agar is a defined, selective medium that tests for an organism's ability to use citrate as a sole carbon source and ammonium ions as the sole nitrogen source.The medium contains citrate, ammonium ions, and other inorganic ions needed for growth.It also contains bromothymol blue, a pH indicator. Bromothymol blue is green at pH below 6.9, and then turns blue at a pH of 7.6 or greater.SO:Sometimes, it is possible to detect growth on the citrate slant without the accompanying color change to blue. This is most likely due to insufficient incubation. Either a combination of blue color and growth or growth alone without the blue color should be scored as a positive for the citrate use test.

What is Bromothymol?

Bromothymol Blue is a liquid indicator that can detect presence CO2 in water. It changes color from blue to green, as it detects the presence of the CO2 . In very acidic conditions it will turn yellow. It has also been used as an indicator in the NCO (isocyanate) test (where di-n-butylamine is the base and 1N HCl solution is the acid. Green is the endpoint in this titration and yellow is "over-shot". The amine value test in resin chemistry/synthesis also may use this indicator. HCl directly titrates an amine containing resin.

How do you beat level 18 on factory balls 2?

place blue on first, use cap then place red , add blue again .... so on

Is Pseudomonas luteola oxidase positive?

in the absence of glucose or lactose , some bacteria are able to use citrate as only source of carcon. alkaline pH change the bromothymol blue indicator from green to blue. pseudomonas can not ferment the glucose and the lactose so it use the citrate as carbon source.

Function of bromophenolblue in agarose gel electrophoresis?

Bromophenol blue or commasive blue functions as a sample staining dye or DNA staining dye it is mixed with sample before loading the sample in wells. The migration of bromophenol blue is same as of DNA i.e. it carries negative charge and move in same direction of DNA with the speed equals to 200-400bp of DNA.It also prevent backflow of sample in vertical gel electrophoresis as the sample is light from the loading buffer which tends to come back from the well so bromophenol blue prevent the back flow.IUPAC NAME:2,6-dibromo-4-[3-(3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,1-dioxo-3-benzooxathiolyl]phenol.Bromphenol blue does not stain DNA. It is simply a dye that 1) helps you visualise your sample as you load it and 2) migrates (unrelated to the DNA) at a speed that is indeed equivalent to about 200-400bp of DNA, depending on the percentage of gel, giving an indication of how far your samples have run. It also does not prevent "backflow". Usually the buffer which you add to your DNA sample before loading on a gel (ie loading buffer) contains a dye such as bromophenol blue (there are others) and will also contain a dense substance, usually glycerol or ficoll. It is the glycerol or ficoll which due to its density will make the sample more dense than the buffer which the gel is run in, and will prevent it floating out of the well.In order to visualise (stain) the DNA you need an agent such as ethidium bromide or sybr green that intercalates with the DNA (slides between the basepairs) and fluoresces under UV light.Coommassie (not commasive) blue is a dye that will stain proteins (not DNA) but is used after the gel has been run to stain the gel. If you use it with an agarose gel, I'm guessing - having never tried it) you would just simply make a big blue mess and not see anything.

How do you enter the minotaur cave in poptropica?

use the reed pipe from the place about random gods. go to the door by the sphinx and play this tune blue blue green yellow yellow red blue green. hope it helps