

Does salt or sugar melt faster?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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When sugar is in water, it dissolves faster than salt does. I do not know the scientific reason why, but sugar melts faster.

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Q: Does salt or sugar melt faster?
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Sugar. Salt often slows down the process of melting, so sugar is what would melt it faster.

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You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

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sugar melts ice the fastest. i did a science experiment and my question was does salt sugar or pepper melt ice faster and my answer was sugar try it

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Salt would melt the ice cube faster because if you have noticed, people put down salt to melt the ice.

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The salt will cause the ice to melt faster. the sugar shouldn't have much of a difference.

What is the hypothesis of this question what makes ice melt the fastest sand salt sugar or pepper?

You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

Why does salt melt ice faster than sugar?

Because its molar mass is lower.

Does salt melt ice cubes faster than sugar?

yes. because one mole of salt contain double no of particles as compare to sugar.