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33% by mass

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2mo ago

The concentration of the solution is 33.33% sugar, calculated as (25 g sugar / 75 g total mass) * 100%.

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Q: If a 25 g sample of sugar was dissolved in 50 g of water The concentration of the solution is?
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A 20.0-g sample of sugar is dissolved in 59.8 g of water. What is the concentration of the solution?

25 percent by mass

Is water and sugar a concentrated solution?

No, a concentrated solution has a high amount of solute dissolved in a solvent. In the case of water and sugar, the concentration of sugar would need to be higher in order for the solution to be considered concentrated.

What are types of sugar solutions?

Some types of sugar solutions include sucrose solution (table sugar dissolved in water), glucose solution, fructose solution, and maltose solution. These solutions can vary in sweetness and application based on the type and concentration of sugar used.

Which two processes are at equilibrium in a saturated sugar solution?

In a saturated sugar solution, the rate of sugar dissolving in water is equal to the rate of sugar crystallizing out of the solution. These two processes are at equilibrium, meaning the concentration of dissolved sugar remains constant as the dissolved sugar molecules are being dynamically exchanged with the crystallized sugar molecules.

Is sugar dissolved in water is it a mixture but not a solution?

Sugar dissolved in water forms a homogeneous mixture known as a solution. In a solution, the sugar particles are evenly distributed throughout the water, resulting in a uniform composition. Thus, sugar dissolved in water is classified as a solution.

What is a solution concentration?

It is a mixture that has a large amount of solute dissolved in it. solute: eg: sugar. Solvent: eg: water.

When sugar is dissolved in water water is called a?

The resulting solution is called a sugar solution or sugar water.

Is a sugar cube a solute solvent or solution?

A sugar cube is the solute in a solution when dissolved in a solvent, such as water. The resulting mixture of sugar and water is the solution.

If you have 1000 gram of a 10 -percent solution of sugar water how much sugar is dissolved in the solution?

The mass of sugar is 100 g.

What's the solution of different concentration?

You and two friends sit down to a cup of coffee. You stir in one spoon of sugar, your friends stir in two and three spoons of sugar. The sugar has dissolved, so you are looking at three solutions of different concentration.

Is sugar dissolved in water is a solution?

Yes, when sugar is dissolved in water, it forms a homogeneous mixture called a solution. In this case, water is the solvent and sugar is the solute.

What are the characteristics of sugar water?

Sugar water is a solution composed of water and sugar molecules. It is transparent and viscous, with a sweet taste due to the dissolved sugar. The concentration of sugar in the water can vary depending on the desired sweetness level.