

Is pure acetic acid dangerous

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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It depends on the form of acetic acid, the food additive form or the chemical grade form. The food additive form of acetic acid is vinegar (3-5% solution) and is safe to consume at any time in moderation. The chemical grade form is glacial acetic acid (95% solution) and is not safe to consume at any time - it is a very powerful acid that would cause severe internal chemical burns if you were to drink it.

This is general toxicity and safety information, not exclusively (but 'also') valid for pregnants.

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Very. Concentrated acetic acid (~15 M) is highly corrosive and flammable.

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Is there anything other than vinegar that is high in acetic acid?

Yes, pure acetic acid (100%) and household acetic acid (10-20%)

Does Acetic acid contain alcohol?

If it is a mixture, then yes. Pure acetic acid is one hundred percent acetic acid, while vinegar is 5 or 10 percent acetic acid in water. You can make a solution of acetic acid and alcohol.

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Does glacial acetic acid smell the same as acetic acid?

Glacial acetic acid is pure acetic acid, not mixed with water. The smell of glacial acetic acid is much stronger than that of dilute acetic acid. Other than the greater intensity, the smell is exactly the same.

What is Vinegar a compound element or mixtures?

Vinegar from supermarkets is a mixture of water and acetic acid, PURE acetic acid/vinegar is a compound.

What is vinegar from?

Vinegar is acetic acid diluted to 5 or 10 percent with water, so that you won't burn your mouth if you drink pure acetic acid.

Why is pure acetic acid called glacial acetic acid?

Glacial acetic acid is a trivial name for water-free acetic acid. Similar to the German name Eisessig (literally, ice-vinegar), the name comes from the ice-like crystals that form slightly below room temperature at 16.7 °C (about 62 °F).-wikipedia

What is the relationship between acetic acid and vinegar?

Acetic acid is the acid present in vinegar, however vinegar is very dilute and often contains many contaminates (which give it color and flavors other than the sour acid taste).Pure laboratory grade acetic acid is called glacial acetic acid and usually contains less than 1% water.

Is acetic acid dangerous for humans?

Concentrated acetic acid (glacial) is pretty corrosive and has a terrible harsh fume. Drinking that is very dangerous as it can corrode and inflame the digestive tract. Diluted acetic acid as vinegar won't do much harm to you as long as you don't drink too much of it.

Why glacial acetic acid is dangerous with KMnO4?

your mother going to die

Why pure acetic acid does not blue litmus to red?

acetic acid has fewer H3O+ ions and hence it is weak acid . so it does not turn blue litmus to red .

Is acetic acid ionic or molecular?

Acetic acid in pure form is molecular and has covalent bonds, but when dissolved in water it dissociates into acetate anions and hydrogen cations.