

Robert koch worked on

Updated: 6/5/2024
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11y ago

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Koch did investigations in the isolation and identification of various bacterial species. Because of this he laid the foundations of such important and modern sciences like medical microbiology, bacteriology and virology.

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9y ago
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21h ago

Robert Koch was a German scientist who is known for his work in microbiology. He is best known for identifying the causative agents of various diseases such as anthrax, tuberculosis, and cholera. Koch's work laid the foundation for the field of bacteriology and his discoveries revolutionized the understanding of Infectious Diseases.

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10y ago

Robert Koch was the first person to prove that there was a relationship between a bacillus and a disease.

He was the first person to isolate the Anthrax Bacillus.

He was able to perfect pure-culture techniques.

In 1883 he isolated the Tuberculosis and established its role in the disease.

In 1883 he discovered the casual organism for cholera and how it is transmitted and also developed a vaccination for rinderpest.

He also created Koch's Postulates which state: the organism should always be found in sick animals and never in healthy ones; it must be grown in pure culture; the cultured organism must make a healthy animal sick; and it must be re-isolated from the newly sick animal and re-cultured and still be the same.

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11y ago

Germ theory of disease.

Edit: Robert Koch demonstrated the relation between organisms and diseases and introduced Koch's postulates. He dominated etiology (science of causation of diseases) and established criteria for proving the casual relationship between organisms and diseases.

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15y ago

Robert Koch is the founder of public health. He has discovered the specific agents that causes tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax.

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13y ago

Robert Koch discovered bacteriology in 1862 he went to the university of gottingen to study medicine

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9y ago

Robert Koch identified the bacteria that cause tuberculosis and cholera. He outline postulates to determine the cause of any infectious disease.

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12y ago

discoverd the specific agent to cause tuberculosis,anthrax,cholera

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11y ago

1).koch pastulates

2).micobacterium tuberculosis,causal pathogen of T.B.Disease.

3).relationship between specific organism and disease.

4).vibrio chlorella

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11y ago

Robert Koch worked on cookie monster becomin a vegitarian because it is not healthy to get fat and all fat kids in america deserve to be on diets!

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