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Q: What is the largest principal quantum number in the ground state electron configuration of iodine?
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Related questions

What specific field of science does an electron configuration apply to?

The specific field of science that an electron configuration applies to is quantum physics. Electron Configuration refers to the distribution of electrons in an atom.

What is the term used to label the energy level of electron?

Principal quantum numbers (n).

What does the n represent in the quantum model of the atom?

n is the principal quantum number and represents the energy level or electron shell in which an electron resides. For example - Say you have an Oxygen atom, which has 8 electrons. It's electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4. The 2 in 2p4 is the principle quantum number, n. The s is another term dealing with angular momentum and the 4 is the number of electrons.

What is a principal quantam number?

The principal quantum number refers to the electron shell, or energy. Refer to the related link to read a Wikipedia article about quantum numbers.

What electron could have quantum numbers n 2 l 1 m?

L-1 electron configuration

General electronic configuration of group having low ionisation energy?

The general electron configuration of the group having the lowest ionization energy is [Noble gas configuration]xs1. In this case, x is the principal quantum number of the valance electron. The noble gas configuration may either be written out in full or denoted by the noble gas' atomic symbol in brackets (ie [Ne]).

What is the principal quantum number value for the highest energy electron in carbon atomic number 6?

The principal quantum number for the highest energy electron in carbon would be 2. It is easy to spot this, since carbon exists in row 2 of the period table. The row in which an element resides always shows the highest value of n, or the principal quantum number, that an electron can reside in.

How many sublevels are occupied in an atom of sulfur in the ground state?

there is only one unpaired electron in copper

All of the orbitals in a given electron shell have the same value of the?

Principal quantum number.

What is the quantum number that describes the most probable distance from the nucleaus that an electron resides?

Distance depends on the principal quantum number n.

What are the main three parts of an electrons used in the current atomic theory that describe an electrons location?

An electron configuration shows the distribution of electrons among the subshells. Each number shows the principal quantum number, or shell, the subshell and finally the orbital of the electron.

What is the maximum number of electrons that can go into sublevel 2s?

The maximum number of electrons in any s sublevel is 2, irrespective of what the principal quantum number, i.e., the number before the s in an electron configuration, may be.