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The decay of 212Po84 goes like that:

212Po84 ----- 4a2 + 208Pb82

The lead isotope that forms, 208, is stable.

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Q: What isolope remains after the alpha decay of polonium -212?
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What daughter product remains after the alpha decay of polonium-212?

After the alpha decay of polonium-212, there is lead-208 212/84 Po --------> 208/82 Pb + 4/2 He Lead 208

Which equation correctly represents the alpha decay of polonium 214?

By alpha decay polonium-214 is transformed in lead-210. Po-214--------------alpha--------------Pb-210

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What type of decay is involved when polonium -214 decays into lead -210?

It is alpha decay. In the process, an alpha particle(He2+) is released. So, it is called alpha decay.

What is the decay process that polonium undergoes?

All isotopes of polonium can undergo alpha decay, a small number of isotopes can also undergo beta decay, K capture decay, or gamma decay.

What equation correctly represents alpha decay of polonium 214?

The equation for the alpha decay of 210Po is: 84210Po --> 82206Pb + 24He representing the alpha particle as a helium nucleus. 206Pb, the daughter atom, is stable.

What is alpha decay of polonium 210?

The reaction is:Po-210------------alpha particle------------------Pb-206

What does bismuth 210 become when it undergoes alpha decay?

bismuth 210 decays by beta decay to polonium 210 that decays by alpha decay to lead 206

What type of radiation is emitted when polonium forms lead-208?

Lead-208 is formed by alpha decay (emission of alpha particles) from polonium-212.

When alpha particle tunnels out of nucleus is the atom still an atom of the element polonium atomic number 84?

No, after the alpha decay of polonium lead isotopes were obtained.

Why does the polonium (po) become lead (pb) after a decay?

Polonium-210 lose an alpha particle and become lead-206.

What isotope remains after the alpha decay of polonium 212?

Polonium 212 has 84 protons and 128 neutrons. An alpha particle is 2 protons and 2 neutrons, so the daughter nucleus will have 82 protons and 126 neutrons, making it lead 208.