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The answer is 49,29 g CCl4.

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Q: What mass of CCl4 is formed by the reaction of 5.14 g of methaneCH4?
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How many mass of carbon tetrachloride?

2,74 moles of CCL4 is equivalent to 421,44 g.

How many molecules of carbon tetrachloride are in 6.32 mg of that compound?

1. Convert 6.32 mg to grams.6.32 mg x 1g/1000 mg = 0.00632 g2. Determine the molar mass for CCl4.The molar mass is 153.82g/mol (Wikipedia)3. Convert given mass to moles using the molar mass.0.00632 g CCl4 x 1 mol CCl4/153.82 g CCl4 = 4.11 x 10^-5 mol CCl44. Convert moles to molecules.One mole of molecules is 6.022 x 10^23 molecules.4.11 x 10^-5 mol CCl4 x 6.022 x 10^23 molecules CCl4/mol CCl4 = 2.47 x 10^19 molecules CCl4

What is the mass (in grams) of one molecule of CCl4?

2.55 × 10 − 22 g

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CO2 gas is formed, and as it is leaving the instrument in which this reaction is done in, the mass decreases.

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How many molecules are in 22.4 grams of CCL4?

The molar mass of CCl4 is 153,82 g.153,82 ------------------------------------6,02214129.10ex.23 (Avogadro number)22,4 g-------------------------------------xx = 0,877.10ex.23 molecules

How many moles of CCL4 are there in 56 grams?

Divide the Molar Mass of C and Cl4 by 56 to get your awnswer!

What mass CuO can be formed from the reaction of 18.7 g CuS and 12.0 g of O2?

6,26 g CuO are obtained.

How many moles are there in 8.52 grams of carbon tetrachloride?

exactly 100,0913 XD glad I could help

What is the atomic number and atomic mass number of the element that is formed in the following nuclear reaction that takes place in the sun?

The atomic number is 2, and the atomic mass is 4 (helium)

In a chemical reaction the total mass of the substances before the reaction is?

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