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Divide the Molar Mass of C and Cl4 by 56 to get your awnswer!

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Q: How many moles of CCL4 are there in 56 grams?
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How many moles of CCl4 are there in 56 g?

The answer is 0,364 moles.

How many moles are in 56 grams of carbon monoxide?

moles = weight in grams / molecular weight = 56 / 28 = 2 moles

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Mass in grams = no of moles x molecular mass. So, mass in grams = 5.2x 56 = 291.2g

How many moles are in 56 micrograms of selenium?

The molecular mass of selenium is 78.96g/mol. You need to convert micrograms to grams. i.e. 56/1,000,000 is 0.000056 grams. 0.000056/78.96 is 0.00000071 moles.

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Depending upon how precise your masses are, KOH has a molar mass of about 56, so your answer is about 34/56.

How many atoms in 56 moles?

56 moles × (6.02 × 1023) = 3.37 × 1024 atoms

How many grams equal 56 hectograms?

56 hectograms = 5600 grams

How many atoms are found in 600 grams of iron?

To find the number of atoms we need to find number of moles of Fe in 312.0 grams. Molar weight of Fe = 56 Number of moles of Fe in 312 grams = 312/56 =5.571 moles. 1 mole of Fe has Avogadro number of atoms. So 5.571 moles of Fe has atoms = 5.571 * Avogadro number. Avogadro number = 6.022 * 10^23 So total atoms = 5.571 * 6.022 * 10^23 = 33.548 * 10^23 * means multiply, ^ means raised to power.

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The Answer is.56 moles OR 0.56 moles

How many grams are equal to 56 kilograms?

1 kilogram = 1,000 grams 2 kilograms = 2,000 grams 56 kilograms = 56,000 grams

What is the mass of 3 moles of barium?

Barium (Ba) has an At. No. of 56, and an At. Wt. of 137.36.(7.8 gm moles) X (137.36 gm/gm mole) = 1071.408 gm.

How many grams are there in 8 pounds?

56 grams 448 grams in a pound / 8 = 56 grams