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Glucose is osmotically actice since it is soluble. This increases the water content inside the cell, the cell eventually burst. Since glycogen and starch are insoluble it is better to convert glucose to starch (in plants) or glycogen (in animals).

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Q: Why are polymer forms of starch and glycogen utilized as storage forms of glucose by living cells rather than an equivalent amount of free glucose?
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What carbohydrate is stored in the liver?

Glycogen in form of glucose.

What monomers make up glycogen?

Glycogen is made up of glucose monomers. These monomers are combine in alpha-1,4 linkages with alpha 1,6 linkages used to create branches. Glycogen also has a small protein component that is used to initiate the glycogen polymer called glyocgenin.

Chemical compounds that are converted to glycogen?

Glycogen synthesis is an endergonic reaction that utilizes UTP to form UDP-glucose. UDP-glucose is then turned into glycogen by the glycogen synthase enzyme.

What is a type of cellulose?

It is a bio-polymer of Glucose. Glycogen is also a bio-polymer of Glucose - only the way the monomers are conjoined is different!

What type of macromolecule is a cellulose?

It is a bio-polymer of Glucose. Glycogen is also a bio-polymer of Glucose - only the way the monomers are conjoined is different!

What is monosaccharide and polysaccharide?

A monosacharide is a "simple" sugar such as glucose or fructose. A polysaccharide is a polymer made by linking many monosacharides together. For example, glycogen is a polysaccharide; it is a polymer of glucose.

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What is a glucomer?

If anything, it would be a polymer of monomers of glucose: either cellulose in plants or glycogen in animals.

Is glycogen a functional protein?

Actualy glycogen is not a protein but it is a polymer of glucose molecules stored in animal bodies and used as energy source when needed.

What is the difference between amylopectin and glycogen?

Amylopectin is a branched chain polymer of glucose found in plants, while glycogen is a highly branched polymer of glucose found in animals and humans. Both serve as storage forms of glucose, with glycogen being the main form of energy storage in animals and humans, while amylopectin is the main form of energy storage in plants.

What is glucose the monomer for?

Starch and Glycogen is a polymer made up of glucose monomers. When you think of Starch, think of potatoes. When you think of Glycogen, think of your energy storage (it's actually a secondary storage)

What is the function of glygon grains in the animal cell?

Do you mean Glycogen ?Glycogen is a polymer of Glucose and is made up of numerous glucose molecules.It is the storage form of carbohydrates in animal cells.When there is less carbohydrates are available from external source, the cell will convert the stored glycogen to glucose and utilize it.