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Q: Within the structure of most addition polymers can be found a backbone polymer of?
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Classification of conducting polymers?

polymers are classified into 5 types as follows: A))based on synthesis: 1)addition polymers 2)condensation polymers B))based on inter molecular forces: 1)fibers 2)elastromers 3)thermoplastics 4)thermosettings C))from source 1)natural polymers 2)synthetic polymers D))based on material 1)organic polymer 2)inorganic polymer E))based on structure 1)linear polymer 2)branched polymer 3)cross linked polymer F))based on the monomer 1)homo polymer 2)hetero polymer

What kind of atom forms the backbone of monomer and a polymer?

The Carbon atom usually forms the backbone of polymers and quite often oxygen can do also as in polyether polyols etc.

Are carbohydrates polymers?

Not without the addition of other chemical/physical agents. A polymer is a plastic.

What is the difference between a bio-polymer and a synthetic polymer?

Both the polymers have a repeating structure which is the basic definition of polymer.

What is the chemical formula of the polymers rings?

There are lots of polymers, many of which do not contain ring structures. You will need to be more specific as to which polymer you're talking about.One common polymer that does contain rings is polystyrene, in which the rings are simple phenyl rings hanging from a long-chain hydrocarbon backbone. There are also polymers in which the rings are in the backbone, such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) and Kevlar; again, these are phenyl rings in both cases. However, it's certainly possible for there to be rings other than phenyl groups in a polymer.(A phenyl group hanging from the backbone has a formula of C6H5; one that's in the backbone will likely be C6H4, since it needs to connect at two points.)

Macromolecule formed when monomers are joined together?

Polymers are the macromolecules formed when monomers join together.polymer

What do condensation polymers and addition polymers have in common?

In both addition and condensation polymers, smaller (usually) organic monomers combine to form a larger molecule. In both cases the polymer formed has different properties than the starting monomers.

How are polymers classified on the basis of structure?

Polymers are synthesized from monomer units and are composed of thousands of repeating chain units. The length and branching of these chains will help to determine the structural properties of the polymer Terry

Is spider webs natural polymers or a synthetic polymer?

is a spider web a polymer

Why are some polymers stretchy while others are not?

There are some polymers which are stretchy while the others are not because of the disordered structure. Elasticity refers to the ability of a polymer to stretch past its original length.

Which best explains the difference between a monomer and a polymer?

A monomer is a single structure and has low moleculer weight, while a polymer consists of several monomers and appears like plastic such as shellac and varnish.A polymer has higher molecular weight. Polymers don't always look like plastic--wood and cotton are both polymers. Rubber is also a polymer.

Is a nucleic acid a monomer or a polymer?

No. A nucleic acid is a subunit of a [the] polymer.