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If I remember right Louis Pasteur. or something like that.

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Q: Who invented the pasteurise?
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Who invented pasteurise?

Louis Pasteur

How do use pasteurise in a sentence?

In order to kill off harmful bacteria in milk, you need to pasteurise it.

What is pasteurise named after?


Which Frenchman discovered how to pasteurise milk?

Louis Pasteur.

Who is pasteurise named after?

Pasteurisation is named after Dr. Louis Pasteur

Does the word pasteurise come from the man loise pasteur?


What does the word pasturise mean?

Pasteurise is a process to sterilise milk by heating.

Why do you pasteurise milk?

To kill bacteria that live in the the milk, some of which may be harmful to people.

What happens if you don't pasteurise milk in ice cream?

It will taste kind of raw and it will smell really bad.

Why do you pasteurise things?

Pasteurisation is a method used to reduce spoilage microorganisms and kill harmful organisms in the object or liquid being pasteurised.

Why is Louis Pasteur important?

Louis Pasteur did many things but is most well-known for discovering how to pasteurise milk (which is where we get the word "pasteurise"). Bacteria in the milk are killed by heating to a specific temperature and then rapidly cooling it down.

Can you pasteurise hummus?

Yes, it may change the taste somewhat, but you can. There is no real reason to do it though. Just keep the hummus refridgerated and use it within about a week of making it.