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When doing sit ups or crunches, they will tone the stomach muscle. But you will still have a layer of fat on TOP of that muscle. In order to see the toned muscle (in other words, a flat stomach) you must do cardio exercise and improve your diet in order to lose the fat and get to the fab!

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14y ago
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13y ago

yes they build ab muscles and make your abs stronger how ever the misconception is that it will reveal your abs and the answer is it will not depending on if you have fat because the muscles build underneath the fat tissue

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14y ago

no crunches dnt burn belly fat merely build muscle below the wall of fat. to burn the fat low intensity activitys such as jogging, power walking or swimming for 3 20min sessions a week would b more effective ways to burn fat!

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14y ago

Well in my experience of exercising everyday and not really eating right. Yes it does help but you may want to get an exercise ball it works alot better than doing them on the ground.

Another thing is you want to walk alot maybe 2 miles or so day. I lost 10 pounds in 2 months doing this.

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11y ago

No it developes, tones and strengthens your abdominal muscles as well as support your back.

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Q: Do crunches help burn stomach fat?
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How many crunches do you need to do to lose 8 ounces of belly fat?

There is no such thing as spot reduction. You cannot reduce fat only in your abdomen by doing crunches. Unfortunately, that is not how it works. You must lose total body fat to have less fat in your stomach, so burn more calories than you're taking in. Crunches help burn some calories, and help define your stomach muscles, but will not burn fat just in that area.

Does doing crunches off the side of a couch burn stomach fat?

You raise your legs while doing a crunch, so I am thinking that you mean sit-ups. Yes, doing sit-ups off the couch does burn stomach fat.

How do you train away stomach fat?

Do crunches

Will doing crunches make you bloated?

Doing crunches won't make you bloated, it will help burn belly fat and gain abs. Eating junk food will make you bloated and fat.

How you can reduce your fat on stomach by crunches?

doing about 20 crunches a day at the same time each day will help burn your stomach fat your body fluctuates in 24 hours so when you do exercises the same time each day your body will fluctuate out the same amount of calories,getting better and faster results. try doing them at night right before you go to bed.

Does crunches abs work am female and i have a belly but some say that crunches don't work what should i do to get a flat stomach?

It's not that crunches don't work, it's that they won't get you a flat stomach. What you want is to do cardio. Anything that gets your body moving and your heart rate up will help you lose fat. When you do lose the fat around your stomach you will see the results of the crunches (muscle definition). It's good to do both (and not just crunches other "absentric" moves) if you want a flat stomach, but being active and eating well will lose the fat that is really the point of flat stomacs.

How do you burn my stomach fat and i need flat belly?

To burn stomache fat and get a flat belly, do not try to find the easy way out, through medicine, drugs, machines, etc. To answer your question, you need to do crunches/sit up each day until a point that a bit beyond the point that you start to feel a "burning" and soreness sensation in your stomach or abdominal area. Doing crunches will work out your abs. Leg lifts, and other abdominal workouts will also help.

Do situps burn lower abdominal fat?

No. Sit ups and crunches do nothing to lower stomach fat. You can not "target" fat loss. You have to lower your total body-fat percentage. How you do that is to lower the amount of fat you consume in your food and up the amount of exercise you do to burn the fat that is already there. Also, Sit ups and crunches are very bad for your back. If you want to develop your stomach muscles, you should do various plank exercises. If you Google "sit ups are bad for your back" you'll see literally hundreds of pages of documentation that shows why they are bad for you. Personal fitness instructors who know what they are doing do not have their clients do sit ups and crunches anymore.

How do you get a flat stomach in little time?

Liposuction. Apart from that the secret to a flat stomach is little body fat and decent muscles. The muscles you can get by doing endless amounts of crunches every day, but unless you have a reasonable amount of body fat they won't help much. And short of lipo there's no way to target fat burn, so you have to lose weight all over.

How fast do crunches burn the fat in your belly?

Crunches by themselves will not burn off belly fat. They will however strengthen and tone the muscles. A much more efficient way of burning off belly fat is diet and whole body exercise.

Exercise for fat face?

Studies have shown that localized exercise does not burn fat in those areas. Sit-ups will not burn stomach fat and face-crunches will not burn face fat. These exercises only tone and build muscle. To lose fat you need to burn more calories than you consume by doing cardiovascular exercise.

Does it help to lose stomach fat by doing crunches?

No, you will tone that specific area but you can not 'spot' lose weight by simly doing cruches. By doing crunches you may lose weight from any part of your body.