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This depends on the person and the kind of weight lifting you do. The short answer however is that lifting weights should help you to lose fat and gain muscle. If you are lifting heavily in order to gain muscle mass, you will gain weight. However, if you are lifting to get lean muscle, it should help to lose weight.

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Q: Do you usually gain or lose weight lifting weights?
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Can you put on weight by lifting light weights?

Yes. And this is the fun part with lifting weights. You usually gain low amounts or fat (or even lose some with a proper diet) and the weight that you put on comes from your muscles growing!

Does lifting heavy weights help to gain body mass or gain weight?

Cause you get stronger and thatputs on weight

How can a women gain weight naturally?

A woman can gain weight naturally by increasing their calorie intake. Also exercising and lifting weights will help to make lean muscle weight.

How do you gain weight by lifting weights?

To gain lean weight a person will want to eat more high calorie dense foods and eat every two to three hours. A few high calorie dense foods are peanut butter, lean red meat, bagels oats and dried fruit.

You are 27 yr old women and If you are lifting weights is it normal for you to gain weight on the scale?

If you are lifting weights while you are on the scale you are bound to weigh more. However, if you find that after you have been lifting weights you weigh more this could be due to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat.

Is lifting weights bad?

No. This is one of the things that is commonly misunderstood about lifting heavy weights. Lifting weights is not bad. There are people that squat four times their body weight and they have never been injured badly. If you do exercises with proper form, you will be able to gain muscle without injuring yourself.

What weight exercises can you perform to gain height?

The only "weight exercise" that will make you gain height is hanging with heavy weights on the downward part of your body, and that only temporarily. Lifting weights builds muscle mass; it has nothing at all to do with how tall you are.

Will lifting weights help you gain muscle?

Lifting weights will make your muscles contrast and burn fat from your body while strengthening the muscles at the same time. It will help you gain muscle.

If you can't do intense cardio due to an injury but still eat the same calories and lift weights will you gain weight?

It is the cardio that burns calories, and lifting weights will build muscle, so yes you will gain weight. However if you are of normal weight your appetite will probably adjust until you can get back to your cardio.

Im trying to gain weight so you are eating a lot but it is all just going to your stumach im starting to look pregnant you still want to gain weight but in your hole body what should you do?

If you're lifting along with eating you are either eating too much, or not lifting enough. Or, if you aren't lifting weights, you should be.

How do guys with high metabolisms gain weight?

Tons of calorie intake while lifting as heavy as weights as you can for only 2-3 reps for each set.

How do you gain weight if your only 48kg?

Eat more, do weight lifting.