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Q: Lithium valence electrons type of ions formed?
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How is a cat-ion formed?

cations are positively charged ions formed by loss of electrons from the neutral atoms having 1,2,3 valence electrons

Negative ions form when atoms-blank-valence electrons?

Negative ions form when atoms GAIN valence electrons.

Cations are formed by?

cations are positively charged ions formed by loss of electrons from the neutral atoms having 1,2,3 electrons in the outermost orbit

What ions are formed in nonmetals?

Non-metal atoms gain an electron, or electrons, from another atom to become negatively charged ions.

What is the formula of the ions formed when sulphur gain or lose valence electrons and attain a noble gas configuration?

This is S(2-).

What happens when a lithium ion is attracted to an fluoride ion?

Lithium ions form bonds with fluoride ions to form an ionic compound: lithium fluoride (LiF).

What is same about the positive ions and negative ions?

They both are ions and both have shared valence electrons

How do you find the charge of an atom with 7 valence electrons?

The halogens, group 17, have 7 valence electrons. When they form ions, they gain 1 more valence electron and become ions with a charge of 1-.

When are ions formed?

Ions are formed when an atom gains or loses electrons. When an atom loses electrons the Ion that is formed has a positive charge.

How does sulfur forms its ion?

ions are formed based upon the valence electrons of the element and if the element is a metal or a nonmetal. S has 6 valence electrons and needs 2 more to be stable. it is a nonmetal. therefore, taking on 2 electrons gives S a -2 charge

What do metals do when they become ions?

They lose their valence electrons. i think...

How do ions and valence electrons relate?

they relate becuse the relate