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Q: What enzyme break down h2o2 to h2o and o2?
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Why do cells break down H2O2?

Cells would break down H2O2 for the use of H+ and O- ion in other need compounds or for the H2O molecules for hydrolysis reactions (breaking down larger macromolecules), unless your referring to why do cells seem to breakH2O2 into H2O + O2, it's not really the cells breaking it down it's the enzyme or catalyst that the cells contain, the catalyst that some cells contain (liver cells) that will break down H2O2 is Hydrolase.

Do the formulas H2O2 AND H2O represent the same compound?

no. H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, H2O is water.

How does changing the concentration of enzyme affect the rate of decomposition of H2O2?

The higher the concentration of an enzyme, the faster the rate of decomposition. There is actually an enzyme in the human body that catalyses H2O2. It is catalase, which breaks down the toxic H2O2 into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2).

Do h2o and h2o2 represent the same compound?

No, H2O is water and H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide.

Does water turn into hydrogrn peroxIde after a while?

No, Hydrogen Peroxide will eventually turn into water because it will break down from H2O2 into H2O but water will not turn into hydrogen peroxide....

What the balance of H2O2 H2O O2?


Balance h2o2 h2o o2?

The balanced equation for this decomposition reaction is 2 H2O2 -> 2 H2O + O2.

Is h2o the same compound as H2O2?

No, because there is one atom of oxygen in H2O and two atoms of oxygen in H2O2.

What is the fastest enzyme in body?

Catalase is. it is an enzyme located in the liver that breaks down poisonous hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen ( 2 H2O2 -----> 2 H2O + O2) and it is estimated to catalyse around 38 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide per second!

What is the difference between H2O2 and H2O?

The difference between H2O2 and H2O is, H2O is water and is drinkable but H2O2 has a second atom of Oxygen so it is no longer Water or drinkable, because it was chemically changed to Hydrogen Peroxide.

Do formulas H2O2 and H2O represent that same compound?

No H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide while H2O is water the universal solvent.

The formula H2O2 is an example of?

H2O is pure water. H2O2 is Hydrogen peroxide.