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Q: What intensity is there considerable damage to poorly built buildings?
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How many homes are destroyed by hurricanes?

It depends on the intensity of the hurricane. A category 1 storm will do minimal damage to homes while a category 5 will destroy almost every home in its path. There are many variables involved in what causes damage in a hurricane. There is the actual wind damage. Then their is the damage caused by the storm surge. The storm surge is the result of when the hurricane's eye passes over land. Their is a wall of water that is pushed by the hurricane when it comes ashore this is the storm surge. Flash floods are also something else that can cause damage. Flooding can occur over a very large area far away from the eye of the storm. Most homes damaged in a hurricane are from flooding and then comes the wind damage. Also waves whipped up by the storm can cause tremendous damage. Also hurricanes can cause landslides. Also it is not uncommon for hurricanes to produce tornadoes. Mobile homes are easily damaged by hurricanes. Poorly constructed wooden homes can also be blown down. It really comes down to how the house was built. What kinds of standards were used in the construction of the home itself. Many hurricane prone areas have strict construction codes for newer buildings.

A canyon is a narrow valley with high walls and poorly developed?

A canyon is a narrow valley with high walls and a poorly developed

What is the range of magnitude for earthquakes?

The Seismic Moment Scale is the most accurate measurement of an earthquake's magnitude.

Is the Richter Magnitude Scale and the Richter scale the same?

Richter magnitudesDescriptionEarthquake effectsFrequency of occurrenceLess than 2.0MicroMicroearthquakes, not felt.About 8,000 per day2.0-2.9MinorGenerally not felt, but recorded.About 1,000 per day3.0-3.9Often felt, but rarely causes damage.49,000 per year (est.)4.0-4.9LightNoticeable shaking of indoor items, rattling noises. Significant damage unlikely.6,200 per year (est.)5.0-5.9ModerateCan cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings over small regions. At most slight damage to well-designed buildings.800 per year6.0-6.9StrongCan be destructive in areas up to about 160 kilometres (100 mi) across in populated areas.120 per year7.0-7.9MajorCan cause serious damage over larger areas.18 per year8.0-8.9GreatCan cause serious damage in areas several hundred miles across.1 per year9.0-9.9Devastating in areas several thousand miles across. 1 per 20 years10.0+EpicNever recorded. Extremely rare (Unknown)

How much do tornadoes damage homes?

It depends on the tornado and where it occurs. Weak tornadoes (EF0-EF1) which inflict minor to moderate damage typically cause a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars in damage. Stronger tornadoes (EF2-EF3) often have damage totals in the millions of dollars. Some of the worst tornadoes (typically EF4 or EF5) can have damage in the hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars. Some tornadoes stay in open fields and don't cause any damage.

Related questions

What are the damages of earthquake with a magnitude of 5?

A magnitude 5 earthquake may cause slight damage to well designed buildings and major damage or destruction of poorly constructed buildings.

What is the average dollar amount of damages caused by an earthquake?

there would be considerable damage in poorly built structures

Who outlawed dumbbell tenements?

The State of New York outlawed the dumbbell shaped tenement buildings in 1901. The New York State Tenement House Act of 1901 banned the poorly lit and poorly ventilated buildings.

How much money does a 6.5 earthquake cost?

The cost of an earthquake does not strictly depend on its intensity. How destructive an earthquake also depends on where it occurs. Factors that can make an earthquake more destructive include:A shallow hypocenterAn epicenter near a densely populated areaBuildings built on soft sedimentPoor quality of constructionA magnitude 6.5 Earthquake that occurs in the middle of nowhere is unlikely to cause much damage. One that strikes a major population center full of poorly constructed buildings could cause damage worth tens of billions of dollars.

Why is the patella poorly protected?

The patella protects the knee joint from damage.

How were class tensions affected by the Industrial Revolution?

As a result buildings were built anywhere, sewage and sanitation systems were poorly designed, and public became a problem.

How strong is a level 2 hurricane?

Storms of Category 2 are strong enough that they can lift a house, and inflict damage upon poorly constructed doors and windows. Vegetation, poorly constructed signs, and piers can receive considerable damage. Mobile homes, whether anchored or not, are typically damaged, and many manufactured homes also suffer structural damage. Small craft in unprotected anchorages may break their moorings. Extensive to near-total power outages and scattered loss of potable water are likely, possibly lasting many days.

What kind of permanent damage could be caused by a poorly tuned or misfiring engine?

You can permanently damage the catalytic converter (if fitted) which can be costly to replace.

Why is insulation used in walls of buildings?

To keep heat in - and cold out. Many buildings are poorly insulated ( the 'standard' house-brick is the main culprit. This lets heat escape through the walls (and roofs) of buildings. Insulation traps the heat inside.

A misfiring or very poorly tuned engine COULD cause permanent damage to?

The catalytic converter

Will wearing poorly fitting glasses damage the eye?

Yes, wearing poorly fitted glasses will damage your eyes. Glasses need to match things like your pupilary distance, which is the distance between the pupils of your eyes.

Why could a magnitude of 5 create more damage to a building than a magnitude of 6?

There are a number of reasons this could happen. Buildings that are poorly constructed are more likely to be seriously damaged. Damage severity also decreases as you get farther from the epicenter. So, for example at some distance from the epicenter of a magnitude 6 earthquake, you might experience shaking comparable to that of a magnitude 4. Finally, buildings build on soft sediment will experience more intense shaking than those built on bedrock.