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An alcohol because of the suffix anol which means there is an OH bond on a carbon but since the prefix is meth that means there is only one carbon so CH3OH

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Q: What is the Compound type of methanol?
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Symbol for methanol?

there is no "symbol" as such for methanol as it is not an element, it is a compound and a compound is made up of two or more elements. the formula of the compound methanol is CH3OH sometimes this is abreviated to MeOH

Is a methanol a chemical propety of salt?

No, methanol is not a chemical property of salt. Methanol is a separate chemical compound that is a type of alcohol, whereas salt is a compound made up of sodium and chloride ions. Chemical properties refer to the behavior of substances in relation to other substances, such as their reactivity or stability.

What type of bonding is found in methanol CH4Ol?

Methanol, CH3OH (CH4O) is a covalent molecular compound. It is liquid under normal conditions and there is hydrogen bonding between molecules

What compounds are found in methanol?

Methanol is an alcohol and consists of carbon,hydrogen and oxygen its formula is CH3OH

Why methanol is a nonconducting solution?

Because methanol is a covalent compound and non-ionizable.

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Is methanol part of an aqueous solution?

There can be an aqueous solution with methanol in it. Methanol is a pure substance, so if not mixed with other substances it is a compound.

Is methanol dissociation or ionization or dispersion?

Methanol is an organic chemical compound, not a phenomenon. Your question is not clear.

Is methanol and ionic compound?

No. Methanol is comprised of hydrgen, oxygen, and carbon. These bond with covalent bonds.

Why is methanol strong electrolyte?

Methanol is not an electrolyte. It is a molecule compound and only ionizes to a negligible degree in water.

Which substance exists as a molecular compound?

methanol (CH4O)

Is ch40 ionic or covalent compound?

CH4O or CH3OH is methanol and is polar covalent compound.