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1.Hydro-distillation: water distillation/Stam distillation.

2.Enfleurage: Extraction of delicate perfumes.

3.Eculle: mechanical extraction.

4.Solvent extraction: using lipid solvents.

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Q: What is the Process of extraction of volatile oils?
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What does extraction of a plant's volatile liquid materials yield?

Essential Oils

What is the process for extracting essential oils called?

You think probable to solvent extraction.

Difference between volatile oil and fixed oil?

volatile oils:-These are volatile at room temperature & are usually obtained by distillation.When evaporate do not leave any spot.These cannot be saponified.These are mixtures of cleoptenes & stearoptenes.Fixed oils:-Non volatile at room temp & can be obtained by special extraction process.These leave spot after evaporation.These can be saponified.These are esters of higher fatty acids & glycerin.

What is another name for essential oils?

Volatile Oils.

What arethe Types of volatile oils?


What happens too the eucalyptus leaves?

filled with volatile oils

How do you separate essential oil?

Essential oils are separated from plants by solvent extraction or water vapor extraction.

Broccoli extract is an active ingredient extracted from Brassica broccoli of the genus Brassica, it also contains isothiocyanate, flavonoids ( Flavonoids) and volatile oils and other pharmacological components?

Water extraction to ensure that the Broccoli extract is 100% water-soluble and free of impurities.

What chemical processes are used to create fragrant oils?

Two methods are used: solvent extraction or water vapor extraction.

What is the basic difference between cleavanger apparatus and soxhlet apparatus used in extraction process?

Clevanger apparatus usually use to determine essential volatile oil from flowers, leaves while soxhlet apparatus use for the extraction of a lipid from a solid material like plant seeds. Phuong.

What is volatile oil?

It is oil that will evaporate at normal temperature and pressure.

Difference between volatile oil and non volatile in coriander?

Volatile means to evaporate rapidly. Non volatile would then be not aromatic. If you can smell an oil then it is most likely evaporating. Can you smell the coriander? Then you are smelling the oils. This doesn't mean that there are not non volatile oil (glyrerides) in the spice.