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Q: What is the exact ratio of sodium ions to chloride ions in NaCl?
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What is the ratio of sodium to chloride in sodium chloride?

The atomic ratio between sodium and chlorine in sodium chloride is 1:1, as indicated by its formula NaCl. If the mass ratio is wanted, it is that of the atomic weights of the two elements.

What is a sodium chloride molecule?

The term molecule is not adequate for sodium chloride because NaCl form large lattices. More exact is formula unit - NaCl.

What is the name for the ionic compound NaCl?

The name of the ionic compound NaCl is Sodium Chloride. =)

What is chemical composition of salt?

The composition of salt is sodium chloride.

Formula sodium chloride?

The chemical formula of sodium chloride is NaCl.

What does NaCl stand for in chemistry?

NaCl is the chemical formula for sodium chloride, often known as "table salt". "Na+" is the formula for a sodium ion; "Cl-" is the formula for a chloride ion. The charges balance to give a ratio of 1 sodium ion : 1 chloride ion per molecule of NaCl.

What is the chemical formula for sodium chloride sodium?

The empirical formula of sodium chloride is NaCl.

What is the sodium formula unit for sodium chloride?

The chemical formula of sodium chloride is NaCl.

Why do chemists write the formula for sodium chloride as NaCl?

Sodium chloride is NaCl because sodium (Na) forms the positive ion and chlorine (Cl) forms the negative ion and the two combine in a 1:1 ratio.

What are the components of the sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) contain chlorine and sodium.

What is the composition for sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) has 60,334 % chlorine and 39,666 % sodium.

What is the formula for salts?

The formula unit of sodium chloride is NaCl.