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It might be the symbol for the mathematical function "factorial". 5! would be 5X4X3X2X1.

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Q: What is the exclamation point symbol in a classroom science lab?
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What is the symbol for factorial?

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An exclamation mark after a number is the symbol for the factorial function.

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There is no difference between an exclamation mark and an exclamation point. They both refer to the same punctuation symbol (!) used to convey strong emotions or exclamatory statements in writing.

Symbol for factorial?

The Factorial symbol is the exclamation point. (!) This symbol means to multiply a row of natural descending numbers.

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The exclamation mark on any sign is an alarm or warning. With a fire symbol, the sign is warning of combustibles nearby.

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The symbol "!" is called an exclamation mark. It is used in writing to indicate strong feelings, commands, or exclamatory statements.

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What is the mathematical symbol for factorial?

The symbol for a factorial is the exclamation point (!). For example, 4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24.