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Mantle or Core but I think its the mantle

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Q: Which station point would receive no seismic waves?
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Which station would receive no seismic waves?


What part of earth does not receive seismic waves?

The epicenter does not recive seismic waves.

Which seismic wave arrives last at a seismograph station?

The first waves to arrive at a seismograph station are primary waves, or P waves.

What are the first seismic waves to arrive at a seismic station?

P-waves are the first to arrive at a seismic station. There are two major types of waves: Body waves and surface waves. P-waves and S-waves come under Body waves while Love and Rayleigh waves come under surface waves. Body waves are much faster than the Surface waves. Waves are detected in the following order: P, S, Love and Rayleigh

How many seconds does it take for a P-wave to get to the seismic station?

it take 45or350 p-waves to get to the seismic station

The energy of an earthquake called seismic waves originates from a point called the?

the energy of an earthquake, called seismic waves,originates from a point called the ? epicenter

The distance between a seismic station and the earthquake epicenter is determined from the?

The difference in arrival times of P and S waves.

What types of waves are the first waves to reach seismograph stations?

P-waves are the first seismic waves to arrive at a seismograph station.

What waves are detected first because they move so fast.?

There are three types of seismic waves released by an earthquake. Primary waves (P waves) are longitudinal or compressional waves and travel through the Earth's interior. They are first to arrive at a seismic station (velocity 5-8 km/s). Secondary waves (S waves) are a transverse or shear wave and move at a lower speed than that of primary waves (velocity 3-5 km/s). They arrive second at the seismic station. Finally, there are surface waves which as the name suggests travel along the Earth's surface, there are two main types (the Love wave and Rayleigh wave) and these are the slowest types of seismic waves (velocity 2.5 - 4.5 km/s) and hence arrive last at the seismic station.

Is seismic waves and earthquake waves the same?

Seismic waves are any waves that travel through the Earth. As such all earthquake waves are seismic waves, however not all seismic waves are caused by earthquakes.

Which earthquake waves are the first to be recorded on a seismometer and are the fastest?

P-waves which are a compression or pressure wave are the fastest seismic waves. As they are the fastest they will reach the seismic station before any of the other seismic waves and be recorded first. Seismologists can use the difference between the arrival times of different seismic waves to calculate the distance and ultimately the location of the earthquakes epicentre. For information on this, please see the related question.

What does seismic?

(not seismic, seismic wave)Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the earth.