

Why nitrogen is trivalent?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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Because it contain 3 unpaired electrons in its outer most orbit which incolve in bond formation

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Sedrick Sawayn

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Q: Why nitrogen is trivalent?
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Is NF4 a possible compound of nitrogen and fluorine?

No. Nitrogen is trivalent as this achieves the octet. heavier members of group 15 are trivalent and pentavalent.

What are the trivalent elements?

For example, if Nitrogen has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p3; its trivalent because it needs 3 more electrons to complete its octect rule.

What elements are trivalent?

A trivalent element is one that can form up to three bonds to other elements. Nitrogen is the most common trivalent non-metal and aluminum is the most common trivalent metal.

What must happen for nitrogen to become an ion?

Reacting Nitrogen Gas with Alkali or Alkaline earth Metals form trivalent N3- ions.

Why nitrogen is trivalent elements?

Because it contain 3 unpaired electrons in its outer most orbit which incolve in bond formation

What must happen for an ion to happen?

Reacting Nitrogen Gas with Alkali or Alkaline earth Metals form trivalent N3- ions.

Why is nitrogen so inert?

Nitrogen has 5 electrons in its outer-most shell allowing it to form mostly trivalent compounds. This also allows two Nitrogen atoms to form a triple bond forming one of the strongest bonds in chemisty.

What is the formulas ionic compound fro calcium nitride?

The formula is Ca3N2: Calcium forms divalent cations and nitrogen forms trivalent anions.

Why valency of nitrogen is 3?

Nitrogen has an electronegativity of 3.0. It exists in trivalent state in most compounds as it has an electronic configuration of 1s2;2s2;2p3. Because of this, nitrogen has a bond order of 3.

What is trivalent?

those atoms have 3 valency is called trivalent.

What is an trivalent?

those atoms have 3 valency is called trivalent.

Why trivalent impurity is used?

Trivalent impurity is used to create a free electron when bonded with a silicon crystal.