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Because coal is usually found in tropical areas, but Pennsylvania is not a tropical area.

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Q: Why would wegener have considered the presence of coal in Pennsylvania evidence of continental drift?
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The presence of the same on several continents supports the idea of continental drift?

fossils and rocks.

When magnesium is burning in the presence of oxygen what are some evidence that a chemical change is occurring?

It shows the change of when the magnesium is burning in the presence of oxygen.

Leaving evidence of your presence supports U.S. Government effort to locate identify and recover you?


What geologic discovery in the 1960's provided the scientific evidence to verify the occurrence of continental drift?

The discovery was the presence of magnetic stripes on the ocean floor which indicated that the seafloor was spreading, solidifying from melt, and the magnetic minerals contained therein were aligning themselves with the magnetic alignment of the Earth at the time of their solidification.

Evidences to prove continental drift?

Continental drift is the process of slow movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other over geological time. The evidence for continental drift comes from a variety of sources including: Paleomagnetism: Measurements of the Earth's magnetic field in rocks show that the field has changed over time. This change is consistent with the idea of continental drift, as the orientation of the Earth's magnetic field would have been different when the continents were in different positions. Fossils: The presence of similar fossils on different continents is evidence for continental drift. For example, fossilized plants and animals found in South America and Africa are very similar, suggesting that the continents were once connected. Geology: Rocks that are found on different continents often have similar characteristics, indicating that the continents were once connected. For example, the Appalachian Mountains in North America are geologically similar to the Caledonian Mountains in Scotland, suggesting that the two continents were once connected. Plate Tectonics: Plate tectonics is a theory that explains the movement of the Earth's plates, which are large pieces of the Earth's crust. This theory is based on the idea of continental drift, as the movement of the plates is responsible for the changing locations of the continents. Sea Floor Spreading: Sea floor spreading is the process by which new material is added to the Earth's oceanic crust. This process is consistent with the idea of continental drift, as the new material would have been formed as the continents moved apart. Glaciation: The presence of glacial deposits in areas that are now far from the poles is evidence for continental drift, as the locations of the continents would have been different when the glaciers were present. Human Migration: Human migration patterns can be used to determine the movement of the continents. For example, the presence of Native American DNA in Asia suggests that the continents were once connected.