There are many ways to say it. Here is the most common way to say it:
Yami no Fuenikkusu
- You could replace "Fuenikkusu" with "Fushichou"
- You could replace "Yami" with any of the following:
(there are more, but I won't get nit-picky)
However, "Yami no Fuenikkusu" is the most common way to say it. Yes, Japanese is a very confusing language. ^^
暗黒の王子 /an ko ku no o jou/ is Japanese for 'Prince of Darkness'.
Kuro na Oji Which means 'prince of darkness'
Yamithe answer is "Yami"to say angel of darkness, say: "Yami no Tenshi"
---- == == OUJISAMA ----
Yami no kiba
yami no hi
Wolf of darkness is ankoku no ookami in Japanese.
'Protector of darkness' may be translated as闇の保護者 (yami no hogosha) in Japanese.
As far as I know, it's Oji-sama
You may say 'kurasa,' written: 暗さ