Writing is important because it's communication. We can communicate with others when they're not where you are or at a different time than you are. In other words, writing is communication over time and space. Kind of magical isn't it. I can read a book, a newspaper, or even a personal letter written two or three hundred years ago. People ten thousand miles away from me right now may also be reading this very thing I'm writing. A hundred years from now, someone could be reading something that you or I wrote today.
Besides communicating far and wide, writing can be very practical for people who are at the same place at the same time. When you are trying to teach me something or I'm trying to explain something to you, we can use writing to help us. We can write something down to remember, we can look up something in the dictionary or on a web site, all written information. I can get directions over the phone while writing them down for when I go there. I place an order for Pizza and the person taking the order writes it down (or types it in, which is still a form of writing). If you ever find yourself involved in a court case, written documentation will go a long way to prove what you need to prove. Well, the miscellaneous uses for the importance of writing are far too many for this answer. Suffice it to say, even with the internet and smart phones, knowing how to write will help you every day, even if it's because someone wrote the summaries for the TV shows that are on tonight so you can figure out what you want to watch.
Ultimately, writing is a form of communication. Everyone knows about writing to entertain, but it is also used to communicate descriptions, information, evaluations, persuade readers, and present solutions to problems. As consumers, we use this kind of information to decide where to vacation, what movie to see, which cars are reliable, and who we should vote for. Pretty important stuff.
Okay, I can here you saying now, "Yeah, but I'm not gonna do any of that for a living. Why do I have to learn how to write it then? This is stupid." Well, I can give you three really solid reasons why it's important to learn how to write.
1) Writing academically requires you to do a whole lot of critical thinking- you must decide whether your sources are credible and which ones are most relevant to your topic. You have to understand who your audience is and what they already know and what they need to know. Then you have to determine what kind of examples or facts will be the most meaningful for your readers (audience) and put it all into language that your audience will understand. Even if you're writing about why Moby Dick was the most horrendously boring book you ever were forced to read, you'll need all the skills I just mentioned so that you sound persuasive rather than just whiny.
2) In the "real" world, that is life outside of high school and college, you will have to research information. Don't think so? Okay, how will you know what car is safe, reliable, affordable, and doesn't cost and arm and a leg to insure? Research. How will you convince your parents to help you pay for this vehicle? - Present reliable evidence to your audience (your parents) that shows that buying this car will be a win-win situation for all of you. How will you persuade your parents of all of this, besides the stunningly obvious facts you've presented them with? You'll put your request in language that is mature, objective, and shows you value their intelligence and maturity. You will have learned how to do all this, in part, by having learned to write academically.
Bonus- all the things in #2 also hold true for the way you present yourself in cover letters, in job interviews, in meetings with employers or customers, communicating with co-workers, etc.
3) This is an internet savvy world. There are on-line job sites, networking sites, and social sites. Current and prospective employers DO look you up and see what you've written on the web. There have been very public cases of young adults losing their jobs because of the content on their web pages. Sure, some of it was due to the pictures on in, but the words that went with the pictures were the proverbial nails in the coffin. These young adults FAILED to consider that their audience would be someone other than their best buds. Imagine an employer reading your meandering rants where the ideas are disorganized, poorly worded, and full of profanity, spelling errors, and grammar not previously used in the English language. Just the first impression you were hoping to make, no doubt.
Again, I can hear you saying, "Yeah, right. Like writing a research paper on the Ottoman Empire is gonna help with any of this crap." My answer? "You betcha'!" At the very least, learning to write academically will help you develop the self-discipline and work ethic that will help carry you through meetings that are a zillion times more boring than any book you were forced to read and to complete mind numbingly dull tasks/reports that your employer will require you to do, even if you're working at Kwik-Fill.
Being able to write well is important for many reasons.
All of these skills are learned just by the process of completing your writing assignments! You can probably think of more now that you've read this list.
You might have the answer to someone's problem, but if you can't make them understand it, your clever answer is useless. Sometimes being an effective speaker will do, but speech only works well in cases where your ideas are simple enough to let someone follow the thread when it's presented in a short time in a single order. Writing lets you express deeper, more complex thoughts, lets you refer to previous parts of your argument and expect the reader to go back and look if they don't remember, lets the reader have the time they need to absorb and apply what you've written, lets them go away and try something or look up related information. People will not listen to you speak for thirty hours. But they may read your book over the course of weeks, and keep it on their shelves for years, if you make it interesting and useful for them. A well written and relevant book can change lives for the better.
You need good writing skills in order to express yourself well in writing. You also need these skills to complete an application for employment and to write a simple letter or even an email.
listening skills writing skills reading skills
Good writing skills are essential for effective communication. Learning to write well takes time and practice. You want to have the best skills possible when it comes to writing.
Effective communication is one of the skills that employers rank as essential
Because it is the most effective means of communication.
You need writing skills for almost any work. For the actual job, it might be called "writing a report", instead of "essay", but you still need to know how to write. Just practice your writing skills a bit. It need not be your major strength, but you'll need SOME writing skills in any case.
Written Communication or Writing Skills. Well if you are looking for information related to it then you can perform a web search with the following keywords; 1. Writing Skills 2. Effective Communication 3. Effective Language 4. Euphemism
The ability to write meaningful sentences, lines, paragraphs which a reader can easily understand is termed as Excellent Writing Skills. It is a perfect way to write & express your views on the topic you want to address your audience & listeners. Effective Writing abilities or Skills
The five macro skills of effective communication are listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. These skills are essential for effective communication in various contexts, including personal, social, academic, and professional settings. Mastering these skills can help individuals convey their messages clearly and understand others better.
All writing improves your writing skills. Just like with anything, you need to practice.
Effective communication is one of the skills that employers rank as essential
* Strong interpersonal skills * Ability to multi-task * Taking constructive criticism well * Strong writing skills * Punctuality * Effective communication
Students can obtain training and assistance fro improving business writing skills through on-line training opportunities. A search of the internet provides a number of program opportunities.