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A: DEFINITELY NOT Open loop is defined as no feedback. any kind of negative feedback will reduce the gain

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Q: Is the gain same for same system in open loop and closed loop?
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What is the difference between finite open loop gain and closed loop gain?

In a closed loop system the gain without the feed back loop being closed is called open loop gain!!! e.g if forward gain is "A" and feed back factor is "B" then open loop gain is "AB" and closed loop gain will be [A/(A+B)]

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Distortion is estimated as closed loop gain divided by open loop gain. If the open loop gain approaches infinity, distortion approaches zero.

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A Closed loop system basically will have a feedback which enables the rectification of the error in the main process,whereas it is not possible in an open loop system

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A; An ideal op amp should have infinite open loop gain so when the loop is closed with negative feedback it will be stable

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Formulas of a unity-feedback loop?

The formulas of a unity-feedback loop are: Closed-loop transfer function: This is the ratio of the output of the system to its input in the closed-loop configuration. It is calculated by dividing the open-loop transfer function by (1 + open-loop transfer function). Closed-loop gain: This is the gain of the system in the closed-loop configuration and represents the amplification of the input signal in the system. It is calculated by multiplying the open-loop gain by (1 + open-loop gain). Closed-loop bandwidth: This is the frequency range over which the system can effectively respond to input signals in the closed-loop configuration. It is usually determined by the pole locations in the system's transfer function.

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Brown bear have a close circulation system

Is Human body open or closed loop control system?

open (in terms of thermo chemistry) ! It cannot be proved with science yet! BUT WHEN ONE TOUCHES SOMEONE, LOOKS THEM IN THE EYE, so forth one feels the exchange of energy(emotions). they are being effected by the surrounding !

What are the disadvantages of closed loop systems?

its costly than open loop system and bulky, too.

How are input and feedback parts of a system are related?

They are either in closed or in open loop system