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Q: Henri Bergson's theory that we perceive time as a continuum including past present and future is referred to as?
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Is how people interpret their situation in life and how they view what they are doing and how they perceive what is happening to them referred to as their objective meaning of life?

No, the interpretation of one's situation and their perspective on life is typically referred to as their subjective meaning of life, as it is based on personal thoughts and feelings. Objective meaning of life generally refers to a broader, universally-applicable purpose or significance that may exist, regardless of individual perspectives.

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An individual who uses intuition to perceive information relies on their gut feelings, hunches, or insights to make sense of the world around them. They may interpret subtle signs or patterns to gain understanding without relying solely on logical reasoning or concrete evidence. This intuitive approach can help them make quick decisions, tap into subconscious knowledge, and see the bigger picture beyond what is immediately observable.

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This perceptual tendency is called closure. It refers to the brain's ability to visually fill in missing information to perceive a whole object even when parts of it are missing or incomplete.

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The counties in the midlands and north midlands, mainly Westmeath and Cavan, are the counties with the most lakes in Ireland. Fermanagh and Monaghan also have a lot of lakes. The lakes in these counties are small, but numerous. Other counties have larger lakes, but not as many of them.

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Europe is considered a continent due to its cultural and historical significance, despite the fact that it is technically part of the larger landmass known as Eurasia. This classification is based on traditional definitions rather than purely geographical criteria.

What do you call the study of origin of surnames?

The study of the use, origin, and history of proper names is generally referred to as onomastics, or onomatology. The study of personal names (including surnames) is referred to as anthroponymy.

What are the tendency to perceive and approach problems in the same ways that have worked in the past is called?

That tendency is called cognitive rigidity, where individuals rely on familiar strategies and solutions even when they may not be the most effective for a given situation. Cognitive rigidity can hinder innovation and problem-solving by limiting the exploration of new possibilities.

The tendency to perceive and approach problems in the same ways that have worked in the past is called what?

This type of problem solving is referred to using a heuristic. Specifically in this case, a familiarity heuristic where the assumption is made that past behaviors can be correctly applied to the current situation.

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Some jeans are referred to as "TAG" jeans, because that's the name of the brand. Jeans come in all kinds of brands, including TAG, Levi, Wrangler, etc.

Does rare and hear mean the same thing?

No. Rare is a noun meaning uncommon, and it often has a connotation which indicates the object being referred to is also valuable. Hear, from the infinitive 'to hear' is a verb which refers to the physical sense which allows one to perceive sounds using the ears.

What is the URL for before you forget?

To know what the URL is a person will need to know what the URL is for. Including information on what exactly is being referred to would be helpful.

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