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Steal not this book, my worthy friend

For fear the gallows will be your end;

Up the ladder, and down the rope,

There you'll hang until you choke;

Then I'll come along and say -

"Where's that book you stole away?" by Laura be

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there is no set combination for this. But the 7 symbols to use for cursing are: @ # $ % ^ & * truly there arent any others.

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Q: Symbols representing curse words
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What are the symbols that make up curse words called?

Writing in symbols like in cartoons to represent swear words is called grawlix, but I don't know that there is any group term for those symbols.

How many words are in the greek alphabet?

There are no words in any alphabet. Alphabets are, by definition, a set of symbols representing sounds, not words.

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as magnetic flux changes, representing numbers, which MAYbe a code representing letters or symbols, which may be parts of words. or it may all stay numbers.

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cuneiform is the answer

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Symbols are important because they have meaning to human beings. Letters and words are symbols of various concepts arranged in a way that transmits meanings. Numbers are other symbols representing concept. Musical notes are symbols as are pictures in a gallery.

Does hotline bling have curse words?

No it does not have curse words

What are curse words?

Curse words, also known as profanity or obscenities, are words that society deems offensive or inappropriate due to their explicit or vulgar nature. These words are often used to express strong emotions or to insult others. The use of curse words can vary based on cultural norms and context.

What is the opposite of expression?

Mispronunciation. In mathematical terms, the opposite would be a group of words, since expression can mean a group of mathematical symbols representing a number or quantity.

Are there curse words in movie Mamma Mia?

no there are no curse words except crap

What is the meaning of stars stumbled out of the mouth?

This is not a common idiom that I am familiar with. It might mean that the person was cursing, because in the comics, curse words are often represented by stars or nonsense symbols such as "@#!!"

What are all the curse words in the Bible?

There are no curse words in the Bible. There are a few words that MIGHT be considered curse words now, but were not considered curse words at the time the Bible was written. There are instances of the word ass (e.g. Exodus 20:17) but it is refering to the donkey on which Christ was riding.

What can be considered a bad word?

Cuss words or curse words are considered to be bad words. Curse words vary from culture to culture and are also referred to as bad words. In most societies the use of curse words is frowned upon.