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While the choices offered in the original question are not shown, the general term for patterns or models that repeatedly appear in literature across cultures and time periods are called archetypes.

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Q: What are patterns or models that repeatedly appear in literature across cultures and time periods called?
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Patterns are classified across periods of time.

What is true about archetypes?

Archetypes are universal symbols and themes that appear across different cultures and time periods. They represent fundamental human experiences and emotions. Archetypes can be found in literature, art, and mythologies, reflecting common patterns of human behavior and existence.

What is an archtype?

An archetype is a universal symbol, theme, or character that recurs in literature, art, or mythology across different cultures and time periods. These shared patterns are believed to evoke a deep emotional response in the audience due to their familiarity and resonance with common human experiences.

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Explorer literature refers to written works that document the experiences, discoveries, and observations of explorers as they journey to new and unfamiliar places. These accounts often describe encounters with new cultures, landscapes, wildlife, and challenges faced during expeditions. Explorer literature can offer insights into different time periods, cultures, and geographical regions.

A theme that goes across cultures and time periods?

Love is a theme that transcends cultures and time periods, as the universal human emotion of affection and connection is found in artistic expressions and literature throughout history. Love manifests in various forms, including romantic, familial, and platonic relationships, and continues to be a central theme in storytelling across different cultures and historical contexts.

When identifying the kinds of archetypal characters think about?

When identifying archetypal characters, think about common patterns and traits that recur in literature and myth. Consider characters such as the Hero, the Mentor, the Villain, the Trickster, and the Damsel in Distress. These archetypes represent universal themes and provide a framework for understanding character motivations and narratives across different cultures and time periods.

Which is not an example archetype?

A specific person is not an example of an archetype. Archetypes are universal patterns or themes that are recognized across different cultures and time periods. They represent recurring characters, symbols, or motifs that tap into the collective unconscious.

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World literature texts come from a variety of cultures and languages around the globe. They often explore universal themes and human experiences that resonate across borders and have the potential to connect people from diverse backgrounds. These texts contribute to a broader understanding of the complexity and richness of global literary traditions.

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Literature as communication refers to the idea that written works serve as a form of expressing ideas, emotions, and experiences from the author to the reader. Through literature, authors can convey themes, perspectives, and messages that connect with audiences and spark conversations. It is a means of sharing thoughts and fostering understanding among individuals across different cultures and time periods.

Which term names a character situation or symbol that appears in many cultures?

Archetype is a term that names a character, situation, or symbol that appears in many cultures. These universal patterns or symbols can evoke deep emotions and resonate with individuals across different societies and time periods. Examples of archetypes include the hero, the mentor, and the trickster.