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the opposite of terrestrial

No, "extraterrestrial" is not the opposite of "terrestrial." "Terrestrial" pertains only to "of the Earth" and is generally interpreted to be exclusive of anything that is "more." "Extraterrestrial" is inclusive of "terrestrial" and all that is "more."

Gautama Buddha was born in a human body and had many experiences during his life, one of which has been termed Enlightenment. Enlightenment is not considered a normal aspect of Earth-born human beings. Buddha never left the planet (until perhaps after his death). But he had an experience that elevated his perspective well above the norm. So he inhabited a terrestrial form while espousing an essentially extraterrestrial way of life: he was "human-plus". Is Buddhism therefore based on non-terrestrial principles? Billions of people have followed Buddha's path over the years, many of them also becoming Enlightened. Does that mean they, too, graduated from being mere terrestrial humans into membership in some extraterrestrial brotherhood?

Jesus Christ was born in a human form to a human mother, but his life story is touted as always being much more than the human norm. Does that make him "the opposite of terrestrial?" Are Christian teachings also based on non-terrestrial principles?

Mohammed dictated the Quran to his wife and she wrote his words down (she was literate, he was not). The Quran was spoken into his ear by a green entity named Khidr. The actuality of Khidr was attested to by the Companions of the Prophet. So is Islam a religion based on the dictates of a non-terrestrial being? Are devout Muslims trying to become "extraterrestrials" through their prayers and devotional practices?

Sri Krishna of Bhagavad Gita fame was reputed to be a blue, humanoid entity. Are hundreds of millions of devout Hindus following the dictates of a non-terrestrial being and trying themselves to become "extraterrestrials"?

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it means an alein or something

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What is the definition of extraterrestrial?

"Extra" = 'outside of' or 'beyond'"Terrestrial" = an adjective referring to Earth"Extraterrestrial" = adjective saying that the thing is outside of EarthExamples:-- 'extraterrestrial rock' is a rock that is, or came from, outside of Earth-- 'extraterrestrial macaroni' is macaroni that is, or came from, outside of earthEverybody uses 'extraterrestrial' to mean alien people that live on other planetsand fly their spaceships to Earth to steal our women and our beer. But to begrammatical about it, there's no such thing as "an extraterrestrial", any morethan there can be "a long", "a blue", or "a slow". The word is an adjective, soit has to be an extraterrestrial something. This is still our planet, darn it, andwhen they're here, they'd better use our language rightly.

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Extraterrestrial is an adjective, meaning not of this Earth.