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It means holder. Like account holder, passport holder and others.

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Q: What does titulaire mean?
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The French word for armigerous is "armiger." It refers to someone entitled to use a coat of arms.

What does nom du titulaire du compte mean?

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What is holders in French?

If it's for holding something, usually we have a word beginning with porte- , if you mean a person who has a passport for example, the word is 'titulaire'.

How do you say holder in french?

The holder of a passport - le titulaire.

How do you say CD holder in french?

CD titulaire this means CD holder

Who is the organist of Nantes Cathedral?

The organist of Nantes Cathedral is Félix MOREAU, Titulaire du Grand-Orgue de la Cathédrale de Nantes (August 2009 - see

When was Le Cadeau created?

La Carte Cadeau est un bon d'achat qui permet à son titulaire de régler ses achats, en une ou plusieurs fois, en complétant si nécessaire avec un autre moyen de paiement dans les magasins

What is 'occupant' in French?

Occupant is a French equivalent of 'occupant'. It's a masculine noun whose definite article is 'le'* ['the'], and whose indefinite article is 'un' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'oh-koo-paw', and its feminine equivalent 'occupante' is pronounced 'oh-koo-pawnt'.Passager is an equivalent, in terms of a vehicle's 'occupant'. It's a masculine noun that's pronounced 'pah-sah-zheh'. Its feminine equivalent 'passagère' is pronounced 'pah-sah-zhehr'.Titulaire is an equivalent, in terms of the 'occupant' of a position of employment. There's just the one form for a female or male job 'occupant'. It's pronounced 'tee-tyoo-lehr'.

Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean