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When someone yells at you, or calls you names, or continuosly tells you how stupid you are, or anything like that. If someone is constantly yelling at you or putting you down it is emotionally abusive... They just don't PHYSICALLY abuse you. When someone is putting you down and making you feel bad or lonely or used and not uplifted by verbally downgrading you, keeping sex from you, keeping love from you, or physically hurting you. An emotionally abusive relationship sometimes can be called "abandonment while s/he's still there." Being ignored, put down, constantly corrected, not listened to, kept down in self-esteem so that you feel you cannot survive without your abuser. He takes your faith in your own ability and often makes you dependant on him for all needs. They keep you down so that you can't leave, which many of them are afraid of. I am a Survivor of physical and emotional abuse, along with a lifetime of mother abandonment - a bare minimum of attention, while favorites took place in a family of 7 kids. Emotional abuse is the worst kind. I have survived many forms of abuse and the emotional abuse takes the longest to heal (years or decades) and does the most damage. Head games fall under this category too. They try to make you feel like you are crazy by telling lies or pretense in other ways. Or even by telling you that you didn't do or say something you know you did. They make you doubt your own stability in order to keep you, while punishing you for problems within themselves. Sometimes they aren't aware of these huge holes within themselves or the reality of their own cruelty. Telling them does no good in my experience. I have left many abusers, because no matter what you think you can do to "Fix it" you can't - and they are most often not willing to take part in improving the relationship. They need help. TLMaccalus

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18y ago
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14y ago

Mental abuse is when someone is calling you names, putting you down, you can never do anything right, they constantly argue with you or they don't give you a chance to form an opinion. Withholding sex is also mental abuse if the person is using it to get their own way. Demeaning the person constantly in front of family and friends.Interfering with your work by phoning and arguing or demanding you come home or be home at a certain time. Keeping tabs on you 24/7 or not allowing the person to see friends or go out and have a good time or not allowing the person to have some head space of their own. Basically, disrespect! Physical abuse is kicking, scratching, punching, throwing things at the person, throwing the person against the wall or on the floor, hitting the personwith an object, throwing objects at the person. Causing bruising, black eyes, missing teeth or broken bones. Men are abused much more than a lot of society realizes. Most men were brought up not to hit women and most don't so some men take the abuse. There are programs out there for abused men. Just phone mental health. A man should never feel embarrassed, weak in any way for trying to get this help.
If you are looking for the definition it is when you are invovled romanticly with an abusive man/woman. You should not have a relationship with these people. If they "love" you they would not do these harmful things to you.

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13y ago
  • An emotional abuser is someone who is constantly belittling another. Example: If a husband is an emotional abuser he will call his wife every dirty thing in the book; tell her she is ugly or fat; not a good cook; not a good mother, etc., to lower her self worth and self esteem. It is a form of control the emotional abuser needs and they have generally learned this pattern of behavior from the environment in which they grew up.
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15y ago

An abusive relationship has a broad meaning, it could be physical, mental, or emotional. And it can be all three. Physical abuse is when someone hits you and it is visable to the eyes. Mental and emotional abuse is harder to detect and sometimes you don't even realize it until it has zapped you of you energy and your self-esteem. I have lived in an emotional and mental abusive relationship for 21 years so I know the signs. Trying to get out of such a relationship is harder because the abuser tries to make you think you are the crazy one. I have tried on a number of occasions to leave the relationship only to get sucked in by his promises of change. I hope you are not in an abusive relationship and if you are you run and never look back.

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12y ago

calling names such as fat, lazy, making someone feel bad for themselves..never stay in a emoctional abusive relationship..they can cause MAJOR depression problems

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If your an emotional abuser what causes them to leave?

the victim or the abuser? emotional abuse cuts deeper than physical abuse. it has to do with manipulation. though emotional abuse and physical abuse ususally go hand in hand.

How do you make your husband realize he is an emotional abuser?

tell him or record it and make him listen to it

Does an emotional abuser ever hit rock bottom?

not from my experience she just keeps on going.......

How do you lead an emotional abuser to help?

You can't lead or make an emotional abuser do anything and that's why they are called "emotional abusers." They feel they are OK and everyone else is off base. They know what they are and they doubt themselves and this person has had plenty of time to get help, but doesn't obviously want it. The best thing you can do is leave!

Is it possible for an emotional or physical abuser to love someone?

I dont think an abuser loves himself so he cant love. I just left the man after 6 yrs of trying

Does a verbal or emotional abuser wait anxiously for their victim to screw up so that they can attack them for it?

Yes, that's a reasonable speculation.

How can a potential abuser how can you get help?

Get into batterer counseling (even if its verbal/ emotional abuse) ASAP (NO Anger Management - that does NOTHING for abusers)

Are women or men more likely to be emotional abusers?

Anyone can be an emotional abuser regardless of gender. It's important to recognize and address emotional abuse whenever it occurs in any type of relationship.

Can an emotional abuser ever regret loving someone for getting out and move on to another and realize their mistake?

We are all emotional abusers. Give yourself a rest from this. When you find the right one you 'll know and you will both keep on though things may get rough. Trust me. xxx

Was David Pelzer a child abuser?

No he is not a child abuser.

What is emotional abuse?

Continuous insults, demands and harassment towards a partner with the intent to erode that person's self esteem. It may take place only in private, or it may be done publicly to increase the victim's humiliation. The victim is told, either directly or in various ways, that they cannot manage--their appearance, their sexuality, their finances, their emotions, their entire life. Abuse often occurs with the victim being isolated from family and friends, as to where they perceive their abuser as their only source of "support". The abuse may at times alternate with expressions of love and affection, only to reoccur again and again. When confronted with their behavior, the abuser tends to become angry and blame the victim for the abuser's behavior. The emotional abuser allows the victim no criticism or input into what goes on in the relationship.Emotional abuse is when someone is calling another names; telling them constantly they will never make anything of themselves or no one will want them and just basically putting them down at every chance the emotional abuser gets. The victim of the abuse will lose their confidence; eventually believe what their emotional abuser is saying and often the victim will become depressed and remain extremely quiet in most social situations.emotinal abuse is the calling names, ignoring, or saying mean things to the child like "i would have gotten an abortion if i was aloud" or "why didnt i give you up for adoption when i had the chance"

Does the emotional abuser care about the one they love?

It's a possibility, but not a guarantee. Some emotionally abuse others because it's a sense of control and they do not care about anyone, while others do so because they do care and by the victim(s) reacting in a certain way, the abuser feels they must have care from the victim(s) in return.