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Treat it with lots of TLC to let it overcome the shock of drowning.

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Q: What should you do after your guinea pigs drowns in its bath after it survived?
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Related questions

Are you allowed to bath your guinea pig?

yes, you should bathe your guinea pig once a month.

How regularly should you bath your guinea pigs?

Once a week.

How long after you get a guinea pig should you bath it?

within one week you should be able to bath it because it will be used to you by then, i dont recommend you bath it once you get it because that might scare the piggie

What degrees does it have to be to give guinea pig a bath?

Actually you CAN give a Guinea pig a bath but you should not put them back in their cage when they are damp (this is how they get colds).It should be around 50 degrees or higher when you give him/her a bath but be sure to remember to dry your friend with a towel (NO HAIR DRYERS). SQ

What happens if you give your guinea pig a shawer 1 a week?

You should not give a guinea pig a shower once a week. I only bath my guinea pigs if they are really in need of a bath or if I'm taking them to a show. I would say a few times a year if you want to bath them, but not once a week

What happens when i don't bath my guinea pig?

It is fine to never bath your guinea pig. They dont need a bath because they clean themselves.

Can guinea pigs have a dust bath?

No.guinea pigs should have a bath in water at least once a month, guinea pigs are very prone to respiratory problems (breathing) and the dust could be very harmful to their lungs.

Are you supposed to give your guinea pigs baths cause everyone i knwo says i shouldent?

You should only give a guinea pig a bath if it is dirty of really smelly. Guinea pigs should only have at the most 4 bathes a year because any more would be bad for them. Having a bath strips the guinea pigs skin of it natural oils.

Can you give guinea pigs a dry bath?

do not bath your guinea pigs ever! only bath them with special washing shampoo from wilkinsons, even if you get that its only if your guinea pigs are really dirty. It will have writing on the back to read or get special shampoo from ebay or a pets shop.

How do you bath a baby 7 week old guinea pig?

I would not recommend giving a guinea pig any younger than 3 months a bath.

Are guinea pigs allowed to be bathed?

Yes, guinea pigs can be given a bath. In fact you should bathe your guinea pigs once every one to two months- just be sure to use specially fortified guinea pig or rabbit shampoo when doing so.

How do you know when your guinea pig needs a bath?

when it stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????