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Yes,of course he can!He's tired of swimming freestyle in water!Also He did it on the today show!

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Q: Can Chuck Norris swim on Land?
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Can Chuck Norris really swim on land?

Chuck Norris can do whatever he wants, including your mother

Who is better Chuck Norris or Jesus?

Jesus can walk on water Chuck Norris can swim through land

Can Chuck Norris walk on water?

Yes. He can also swim on land.

I hear that Jesus can walk on water but Chuck Norris can swim on land?

That might be true.

What are some cool Chuck Norus Jokes?

-Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird. -Chuck Norris can drown fish. -Chuck Norris doesn't feel pain, pain feels Chuck Norris. -Some magicans can walk on water, Chuck Norris can swim through land. -Chuck Norris hears sign language. -Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door. -Chuck Norris puts the 'laughter' in "manslaughter' -There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.

Can Chuck Norris swim through land?

Yes, and so can Michael Phelps. You know in that subway commercial.

Where is Chuck Norris land?

I would tell you but Chuck Norris has advised me not to.

Can Chuck Norris eat explosives?

Chuck Norris is God in human flesh. He can swim through land, wear a rattlesnake as a condom and even eat explosives. The ignorance of the nonbelievers will be destroyed Great Accounting. Always remember: WWCND?

Who is better Luke Large or Chuck Norris?

Luke Large has a beard under his beard but chuck norris has a fist under his beard, Luke Large can finger someone with four fingers while chuck norris can fist three people at ounce, luke large can swim through land while water surrounds chuck norris. So Chuck Norris is better even though luke can wank 3 times in 5 minutes.

Where is the land of the song?

In Chuck Norris's Basement

Who will win in a fight out of Jet Li the actor or Chuck Norris?

I mean sure chuck Norris can slam a revolving door, and swim on land and all but jet lee just has skills did u see him in return of the dragon? I thought so Edit by jdyo135: I think you fail because Chuck Norris can roundhouse kick Jet Lee until Lee craps his heart out and it goes back inside him again. I thought so.

Does Chuck Norris swim?

Yes, through both water AND land. He can also WALK on water, fly, and swim through the air, which is pretty much the equivalent of flying...only in swimming form.