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Many Chuck Norris jokes are widely circulated around the internet. Thus, it is very difficult to find them online. A possible solution would be to come up with one by oneself, perhaps by visualizing a humanly impossible situation and then alleging the result as doable by Chuck Norris.

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12y ago

chuck Norris does not get sunburnt he burns the sun

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11y ago

Chuck Norris jokes can be found online at sickipedia. They offer many hilarious jokes and have many different categories available for all types of favored humor.

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Where can you find good Chuck Norris jokes?

This site has plenty of them!

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you can't find him, he finds you !

How can Chuck Norris find you?

You don't find Chuck Norris - Chuck Norris finds you.

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Because you don't find Chuck Norris - Chuck Norris finds you.

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You don't find Chuck Norris, HE FINDS YOU!!

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Chuck Norris doesn't find planets, he creates them.

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Yes. ==The Real Answer== Chuck Norris doesn't live anywhere, he just is.

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You don't find Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris finds you! You have 15 seconds to run for your life!

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Reason: Cause he has a big sense of humour, and Heres a Chuck norris joke, How can Chuck norris be found, You dont find chuck norris, He Finds you

Why cant you ever find Chuck Norris?

chuck Norris finds you instead

Is it possible to find Chuck Norris?

No search find chuck Norris on im feelin lucky on Google

What happens if you search Chuck Norris on Google?

You cant use Google to find Chuck Norris,Google uses Chuck Norris to find you,then he round house kicks you in the face.