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Racism can cause disputes between people and groups who express the belief that race SHOULD be a factor in decisions outside the household (racists) and those who express the belief that race should never be a factor in decisions outside the household.

Worse, of course, is when governments - with the legitimate power to tax and to compel - express the belief that race should be a factor in government decisions.

The fact of the matter is that every single person who has ever lived, who lives now, and who will ever live on this planet is racist. Racism is simply the recognition of outward differences. What one does with that racism is another matter; however, racism causes nothing.

This is not to say that racism is not an element of some bad decisions. On the contrary, it has been a base element of some very bad decisions. It is however not the source. Blaming racism for anything is like saying, "The Devil made me do it." Simply just not the case.

Racism can cause the senseless killing of innocent people. It can be used to perpetuate political oppression of minority groups. It can cause one group to attempt to dominate another group. It can cause social and economic oppression. It can foster rigid ideological and radical religious thinking. It causes senseless hatred among groups and divides people.

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