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Africa ,Latin America ,India, and many many more

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Q: What countries do street children live in?
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Does Freddy live on elm street?

When he was alive he did live on Elm Street in Springwood Ohio. Freddy continues to kill the children of Elm street because of what their parents did to him.

How do street children live on the streets of Brazil?

Is the same in every country

How does Joseph Kony abduct children?

There a lot of families and children who live on the street or live in very terrible homes. Joseph Kony sends his soldiers out at night to take the children in Uganda.

Why do people live in suburbs?

People want to live in suburbs because they might want to be alne and not live on a busy street so that their children could play outside and on the street, unlike urba areas.

Where do London street children live?

IN LONDON jkStreet children is a term used to refer to children who live on the streets of a city. They are basically deprived of family care and protection. Most children on the streets are between the ages of about 5 and 17 years old, and their population between different cities is varied.Street children live in junk boxes, parks or on the street itself. A great deal has been written defining street children, but the primary difficulty is that there are no precise categories, but rather a continuum, ranging from children who spend some time in the streets and sleep in a house with ill-prepared adults, to those who live entirely in the streets and have no adult supervision or care.

What games do children play that live in countries without electricity?

hide and seek

Where do most street children live?

in cardboard boxes or underground or in or abandoned building or parks or streets itslef

What were all of the royalties from the sales of the breadwinner going to?

All royalties from the sales of "The Breadwinner" were going to Street Kids International, a non-profit organization supporting street children in developing countries.

Does Garth Brooks kids live with their mother?

Garth Brooks and Sandy were married 14 years and produced three children. The children live with their mother who lives just down the street from Garth and Trisha.

Why is it important for children to travel?

It is important for children to travel so they learn more about other countries, places and generally the vast world we live in.

Can you live on the street?

Well, that depends on how long to live and where is the street. If you live on the street for only one day, i think that is sure you could do that easily.If you decided to live for a year, then that is almost impossilble for the general public. In some areas of some countries, usually in scenic spots, live on those street may be consider as illegal. People may be arrested by the police when they do that. Also, with or without supports(money, fellow, etc) should be consider before answering your question.

Where does drugs come from?

they came from everywhere it was passed from the street and then to to other countries. they came from everywhere it was passed from the street and then to to other countries. they came from everywhere it was passed from the street and then to to other countries.