In the Teen Titans anime series, Beast Boy likes Terra. In the (New) Teen Titans comic book series, he likes Raven.
she umm..sorta..kinda...likes beast boy,and in the episode " fear itself" the ones she cared for most disappeared first.and beast boy was taken first
Not really. He really only has eyes for starfire but i think either beast boy or cyborg might.
Nah, he still thinks she's a boy. lol!
Sadly no. Robin does not have super powers. But he is agile, quick and knows many martial arts moves. And he has many weapons in his belt. In one episode Robin does have superpowers. He gets them from Raven. She gives Beast Boy, Starfire, Cyborg and Robin some of her power to try and defeat her farther.
No they didn't sorry.
i think the episode you want is called "the beast within" its the ep where beast boy and adonis get some chemical spilled on them and transform in beast, then the chase after raven.
Final Exam.
MAybe they dont show Raven in Young Justice but who knows BB isnt in every episode.
I have no idea who Beast Boy is, but in Northern native mythology Raven is the creator.
no raven ist very fond of beast boys behavior
Raven, this is trues love beast boy deserves her and she deserves him Terra was just a distraction. Beast boy loved Raven always, he just thought that Raven didnt like him (which she did) so beast boy had to go with Terra but in the end beast boy and raven become lovers Well, the comics has mostly all the info so I guess he's more into raven
of course not
They don't, but in 'X' they do get stuck together with one of Red X's X's. Beast Boy is a rhino while that happens, so one of Raven's trademark lines is right at that moment. That is, *blows at Beast Boy's tail which is sitting on her head* "And now I smell like rhino butt."
In the Teen Titans anime series, Beast Boy likes Terra. In the (New) Teen Titans comic book series, he likes Raven.