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Chuck Norris created Chuck Norris.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

No one knows... he's still in hiding, just in case!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

chuck Norris did, it was, when i do push-ups i push the world down, and it was true

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Chuck Norris' subconscious.

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Q: Who made up all of the Chuck Norris jokes?
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When did Chuck Norris jokes start?

They started all by themselves. After all who could stop them?

What to be aware of about Chuck Norris?

All Chuck Norris jokes are actually facts.

How can you find unique Chuck Norris jokes?

Many Chuck Norris jokes are widely circulated around the Internet. Thus, it is very difficult to find them online. A possible solution would be to come up with one by oneself, perhaps by visualizing a humanly impossible situation and then alleging the result as doable by Chuck Norris.

How many Chuck Norris jokes are there and can you list them all and which websites they are found at?

What is up with all the Chuck Norris jokes?

People don't make Chuck Norris jokes, Chuck Norris makes jokes people. I think people make these jokes because Chuck Norris featured in many fighting films and always used to be the super strong and epic character. So people make funny fantasy jokes about him like 'Chuck Norris once kicked the Earth... its never stopped spinning'

How did Chuck Norris count to infinity twice?

Infinite... twice. Chuck Norris can also win a game of connect four in 3 turns. Chuck Norris does not wear a watch....because he decides what the time is.

Why are Chuck Norris and jokes about him so funny and popular all of a sudden?

They are ture storys and facts about him

Would your life be different without Chuck Norris?

Yeah, he's a beast, and all the jokes about him will be gone :(

Who made Chuck Norris jokes?

well not only one person made all the jokes its just once some person watched his show and made a comment so he told his friends they thought it was funny so they passed it on and started making there own

Why is Chuck Norris made fun of?

Humor is humanity's only defense against Chuck Norris. Without it, we might all perish.

Bruce Lee beat Chuck Norris both in the film and in real life so why all the stupid Chuck Norris jokes?

Chuck Norris didn't lose to Bruce, he merely pretended to lose to him. That is called "acting". (Besides, Bruce Lee is dead. How could he be invincible once he's dead?)

Can Chuck Norris be invisable?

Chuck Norris (AKA god) Is all around you. Chuck Norris makes onions cry.