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Lord Herbert of Cherbury (12583-1648) is considered the father of deism. The other famous exponents of deism were John Toland, Anthony Collins, Mathew Tindall, Thomas Woolston, and Thomas Chubb. In France Voltaire advocated deism while Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were the two American proponents.

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Q: Who were some famous Deists?
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Deists argued that God created the universe but does not intervene in human affairs through miracles or revelations. They believed that reason and natural law were sufficient for understanding the world and living a moral life. Deists rejected organized religion and emphasized individual moral responsibility.

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In deism, events are typically seen as happening due to natural laws rather than God's direct intervention. However, some deists may believe that coincidences could be a result of divine planning or a higher power guiding events in subtle ways. Ultimately, the view on coincidences may vary among individual deists.