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Bin Laden believed he and his followers were justified to attack the west because in his view, the west was attacking Islam. He was opposed to the presence of western (including American) troops in Saudi Arabia, which is the holy land to Muslims. He also resented America for killing Muslims during the Gulf War. Bin Ladin practiced a very fanatical version of Islam in which he believed no Muslim nation should form alliances with the United States or with the west, and he wanted Islam to conquer the western world. Thus, he expected that by attacking the two centers of capitalism, the Twin Towers, and the symbol of the United States military, the Pentagon, it would destroy America.

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Because america were insulting The peaceful religion islam, so he decided to attack america

Ps: Muslims are not terriorsts , less than 1% are and we dont count them as muslims

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Q: Why did Osama bin Laden attack the US?
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No, Osama bin Laden is a terrorist who was killed by US troops on May 1, 2011.

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Osama bin Laden was killed by US troops. This was announced on May 1, 2011.

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ahem. why DID.

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Osama Bin Laden was killed May 1. Therefore he can not be hiding in the US.