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- Some "alleles" (hereditary traits) are dominant, and others are recessive.

- If a pure dominant trait is bred with a recessive trait, their offspring will show 75% presence of the dominant trait, and 25% presence of the recessive trait in the F1 (first filial) generation.

- If a plant with a dominant trait from the F1 generation (carrier, heterozygous dominant) is bred with a plant that shows a recessive trait, their offspring will display at 50/50 probability of dominance versus recessiveness. Thus, alleles expressing a particular trait via dominance/recessiveness, in the case of the pea plants, take the form of two alleles that combine to express a particular version. This later has been shown to be homozygous dominance/recessiveness, or heterozygous dominance.

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The Law of Segregation, which states that every individual possesses a pair of alleles for any particular trait and that each parent passes a randomly selected copy (allele) of only one of these to its offspring.

The Law of Independent Assortment, which states that separate genes for separate traits are passed independently of one another from parents to offspring.

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Q: State the conclusions reached by mendel in his work on the inheritance of characteristics?
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Did Gregor Mendel use animals in his experiments?

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Why is Mendel important to science?

Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. He observed that pea plants had certain characteristics that were dominant. He concluded by observing the traits of cross breeding different types of pea plants that traits such as height, flower color, and seed shape were determined by dominant factors. Since Mendel laid down the principles of inheritance based on his experiments on hybridization in pea plant, a systematic study in genetics started to explain many unanswered questions. Mendel's contribution was recognized and he is rightly been considered as father of genetics. Mendel's approach of mathematics in biological science led him to arrive at such conclusions.

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Gregor Mendel is the father of genetics.He found the inheritance using pea plants.

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Mendel observed the characteristics of pea plants which were passed to new generations of pea plants from the parent plants to reveal the nature of genetic inheritance.

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Gregor Mendel was a biologist who studied the inheritance of traits. His laws for this inheritance are combined in Mendelian inheritance, which states that some alleles are dominant and as such some traits are dominant.

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Gregor Mendel

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That inheritance of characteristics are particulate, independently assorted and segregated.

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