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Starch digestion (hydrolysis) is incomplete

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it means that the starch turns to maltose when digested

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Q: What conclusions can you draw when an experimental sample gives both a positive starch test and a positive maltose test after incubation?
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Would you be able to distiguish maltose from lactose in a unknown sample from doing barfoed's test?

Both maltose aswell as lactose are disaccharides, where maltose is made up of two glucose units, whereas lactose is made up of 1 unit of glucose and 1 unit of galactose. Barfoed's test answers only for mono and disaccharides. Presence of red precipitate would indicate a positive result for monosaccharides. Thus doing Barfoed's test does not distinguish between maltose and galactose since both are disaccharides.

Why do crackers taste sweet when you chew?

Bread is carbohydrate, specifically starch. As we masticate, amylase is produced by the saliva which converts starch to maltose which is a sugar. Hence bread tastes sweet on mastication.Bread tastes sweet on mastication (chewing) because the enzymes in saliva begin converting the starch in bread to sugar.

What does the combination of two glucose molecules result in?

The reaction is a condensation reaction so in addition to the disaccharide water is also a product. N.B. glucose + glucose -> maltose + water (not sucrose) glucose + fructose -> sucrose + water

What are the products of hydrolysis of maltose?

When a molecule of lactose is hydrolyzed the monomers that had linked together to form lactose will be pulled away from each other through the addition of lactose. Lactose is made from GLUCOSE AND GALACTOSE, henceforth these two monomers will emerge through the hydrolysis of lactose. Hope this helps...

What must be removed from some of the glucose molecules to join them?

one OH- ion, and a H+ ion. (That's H20 when you put them together).

Related questions

What conclusion can you draw when an experimental sample gives both a positive starch and a positive maltose test after incubation?

The maltose positive test will have a degree of how positive, it is. That will tell you how much of the starch has been digested.

Will Maltose produce a positive Benedict's test?

Yes, all monosaccharides do.

which of the different carbohydrates test would give a positive result for maltose describe its color change?


Is maltose non reducing sugar?

maltose is a reducing sugar ..

Is maltose an oligosaccharide?

Maltose is a disaccharide.

What is maltose dextrin?

dextrine and maltose are byproduct of starch when starch is completely hydrolized it gives dextrin and maltose

What the product to the reactants maltose and water?

Maltose and water react to form the maltose solution. A sweet solution!

What makes maltose?

is a disaccharide formed from two units of glucose. Maltose can be broken down into two glucose molecules by hydrolysis.what are some properties of maltose?Maltose is a malt sugar. The molecular formula for maltose is C12H22O11.

What is pH level of maltose?

The pH level of maltose is 5.4. This indicates that maltose is moderately acidic, as its level is less than 7.

What is the composition of maltose?

The composition of maltose is 2 glucose units. This is because glucose is the 'primary' composition in a monosaccharide and maltose is found in Disaccharide, which is the 'secondary' composition. ~Geek

Is maltose a monosacharide?

Maltose is a dissacharide formed from two molocules of glucose.

What is the compostition of maltose?

Maltose is a disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules