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the last step is ofcourse glycogen breakdown.......before that inactive glycogen phosphorylase-b is activated and phosphorylated to glycogen phosphorylase-a

by the help of activated phosphorylase kinase........

......phosphorylase kinase was activated by activated protien kinase..and activated protien kinase was activated by cyclic amp...........

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Q: What is the last step in the sequence of events when cyclic AMP acts as a second messenger?
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A Plotlist how the events happened, in the sequence they happened in. What happened first, second, third and so forth.

Which substance is called the second chemical messenger?

Second messengers activate other intracellular chemicals to produce the target cell response. Their are five types discovered, one of them is CAMP (cyclic adenosine mono-phosphate)

What role does cyclic AMP play for most hormones?

Cyclic AMP (cAMP) serves as a second messenger for many hormones. When hormones bind to their specific receptors on the cell membrane, it triggers a cascade of biochemical events that lead to the production of cAMP. cAMP then activates other signaling molecules, such as protein kinase A, which regulate various cellular processes, including gene expression, metabolism, and cell growth.

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It means that there are a bunch of events happening in a certain orderlist how the events happened, in the sequence they happened in. What happened first, second, third and so forth.

What event does the second messenger report in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Jocasta's suicide and Oedipus' blinding are the events that the second messenger reports in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the second messenger exits from the Theban royal palace. He informs the chorus about the events inside. He mentions that Theban Queen Jocasta hangs herself by the threads from her own robes before King Oedipus can kill her with his sword. He says that Oedipus places Jocasta's body on the floor and then plunges into both eyes the golden brooches that he removes from her robes.

How do you draw a diagram to describe the sequence of events from the start of the first Punic war to the start of the second Punic war?

There is a timeline of events regarding the Punic Wars at the related link below .

What type of hormone characteristically requires a second messenger?

First messengers may not physically cross the phospholipid bilayer cell membrane to initiate changes within the cell directly and so require a secondary messenger. Second messengers may be coupled downstream to multi-cyclic kinase cascades to greatly amplify the strength of the original first messenger signal.Calcium ions are one type of second messengers and are responsible for many important physiological functions including muscle contraction, fertilization and neurotransmitter release.cAMP is also a second messenger.First messengers may not physically cross the phospholipid bilayer cell membrane to initiate changes within the cell directly and so require a secondary messenger.

Intracellular chemical signals known as second messengers?

Cyclic AMP and calcium may be second messengers

What does a second messenger always do?

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