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The energy gaps between levels are not all the same.

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Q: Why doesn't the electron lose twice as much energy when it moves in two levels as it loses when it moves only one energy level?
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What is the electron configuration of an element?

The electron configuration of an element shows the number of electrons in their energy levels and orbitals. For example, the electron configuration of a neutral magnesium atom, Mg, with 12 electrons, is 1s22s22p63s2. This means that there are two electrons in the s orbital of the first energy level, two electrons in the s orbital and six electrons in the p orbital of the second energy level, and two electrons in the s orbital of the third energy level. The number in front of each letter represents the energy level, the letter represents the orbital, and the superscripts represent the number of electrons in the orbital.

Energy needed to move an electron from one energy level to another?

quantum mechanics

Explain the relationship between electrons orbitals and energy levels?

Briefly:The electrons are in orbitals, each orbital can take two electrons and each electron would have an opposite spin. Orbitals can have no electrons, one electron or be filled with two electrons.Orbitals are arranged in energy levels. However, even in the same energy level different orbitals will have different energy despite being in the same main energy level.The energy level nearest the nucleus has 1 orbital: 1sThe next energy level, the second energy level has four orbitals: 2s and three p orbitals. The 2p orbitals have more energy than the 2s orbital. The third energy level has 3s x1; 3p x 3 and 3d x 5 however, the 3d orbitals have an energy which actually places them in the fourth energy level between 4s and 4p. It gets complicated.

Does atom have energy?

Energy levels in atoms are somewhat like aircraft flight lanes in the sky - these exist as the places that aircraft are permitted to be, whilst not being permitted to be anywhere else. The flight lanes exist whether or not a plane is in it, but there is nothing to see. Similarly, an energy levels exist in atoms as the only places where electrons may sit, but there does not have to be an electron in the energy level for it to exist.

What is the lowest energy level?

1. Atoms do not have energy levels unlike particles like electrons etc.2. The lowest energy for atoms will be 0 at absolute zero temp of 0 deg Kelvin.3. For electrons in all atoms lowest energy is that of 2 electrons nearest to the nucleus.

Related questions

What atoms have two outer level electron?

Energy levels

Do sodium and chlorine have the same number of electron energy levels?

Yes, sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) both have the same number of electron energy levels. In sodium, the first level has two, the second level has eight and the third level has one. In chlorine, the first level has two, the second level has eight and the third level has seven. They both have three electron energy levels.

The outer electron levels of hydrogen?

Hydrogen has only 1 electron and has only 1 energy level.

How many outer levels does Cesium have?

One electron in outermost energy level.

What are the highest occupied energy levels in aliminium?

The highest occupies energy level in aluminum is the 3rd energy level. Its electron configuration is 1s22s22p63s23p1.

What electron distribution is Mn?

The electron distribution differs between energy levels. In this case, levels one and four have 2 electrons, level 2 has eight, and level 3 has thirteen.

When excited electrons return to lower energy levels what is released?

Energy is emitted when an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.

What is an electron in the outermost energy level of an atom?

An electron in the outermost energy level of an atom is called a valence electron.(We refer here to the outermost occupied levels of an atom. There are, of course, many other higher energy levels normally available that are not occupied.)These electrons determine the chemical reactivity of the atom.the valence electrons

What happen when electron change energy level?

When electrons change energy levels they usually become more stable. Sometimes when electrons change energy levels they become unstable though.

What happens when electrons change levels?

Energy is either absorbed or released. If the electron goes from a high energy orbital to a lower energy one, a photon is emitted. When a photon is absorbed, the electron goes from low energy to high.

What element has 2 electron energy levels and 4 electrons available for bonding in the outermost energy level?

The element carbon

What is a shell in chemistry?

Shell or energy level corresponds to the shell in which the electrons are present.