

History of Japan

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Annalise Quitzon

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2y ago
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Government control of land and all other means of production is called


Commodore Perry arrived at Tokyo Bay with which of these

Commodore Perry arrived at Tokoyo Bay with a strong fleet of ships

Which country established the East India Company


Which of these were combined to make the spinning mule
Which country was the one ship that was allowed to enter a Japanese port to trade each year from


What are businesses that are owned by several investors called

Joint ventures or partnerships, if talking about a few people; corporations if they apply to become incorporated, which gives them specific legal rights.

What did japan do as it grew stronger

As Japan grew strong it began making imperialistic moves toward other countries.

It also strengthened its military and gained control of its trade tariffs.

Which of these opened Japanese ports to foreign trade

The Treaty of Kanagawa opened Japanese ports to foreign trade.

What did the Japanese realize they would have to do in order to survive

They needed to Modernize.

After the Sepoy Mutiny who was control of the Indian government given to

the British Crown

What ended when japan opened some of its ports to foreign trade

When Japan opened some if its ports to foreign trade their long history of isolation ended.

So basically, their isolation (or Japanese isolationism) is what ended.

Which of these answers describes the Zaibatsu A The Zaibatsu was a large financial and industrial corporation B It was not under the control of the Japanese government C It had no effect on the people

The Zaibatsu was a large financial and industrial corporation owned by rich and powerful Japanese families.

N the 1800s what had Belgium been manufacturing for a long time



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