

US Civil War

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Kelton Conroy

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Cards in this guide (13)
What did Lincoln hope to do about voting after the civil war

Lincoln hoped to limit voting to a small portion of African Americans.

What name was given to the attempt in 1860 to get southern states to stay in the Union

The Crittenden Compromise was the name given to the attempt in 1860 to get Southern states to stay in the Union.

What happened when the tariff proposed by Henry Clay in 1832

South Carolina considered pulling out of the union as a protest. -Apex

What was true about moderate African American politicians such as Hiram Rhodes Revels

all of the above

How did advances in transportation and communication affect northern men in cities

they provided opportunities to rise in society

What was a goal of southern whites in creating black codes

all of the above

What did African American leaders did besides associated the republican party with Abraham Lincoln emancipation

The Freedmen's Bureau
The freedmen's bureau

The South developed ironclad technology to

Weaken the Northern Border~APEX

Southern democrats supported john c breckinridge because they disliked stephen douglas's concept of

Popular sovereignty.

What true about African Americans during the war

African Americans suffered tremendous casualty rates, partly because the South refused to accept them as prisoners

What was a state that allowed slavery but did not join the Confederacy in 1861

When the US Civil War began four states that remained in the Union had slavery. They were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware. Until 1862, slavery also existed in Washington DC.

Almost every state during the Civil War

sent people to fight both sides

What reasons caused the northern businesses to suffer during the war

Inflation made supplies more expensive

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